github PowerShell:
Breaking Changes
- Remove trailing space from event source name (#24192) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Add completion single/double quote support for -Noun parameter for Get-Command (#24977) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Stringify ErrorRecord with empty exception message to empty string (#24949) (Thanks @MatejKafka!)
- Add completion single/double quote support for -PSEdition parameter for Get-Module (#24971) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Error when New-Item -Force is passed an invalid directory name (#24936) (Thanks @kborowinski!)
- Allow Start-Transcriptto use $Transcript which is a PSObject wrapped string to specify the transcript path (#24963) (Thanks @kborowinski!)
- Add quote handling in Verb, StrictModeVersion, Scope & PropertyType Argument Completers with single helper method (#24839) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Improve Start-Process -Wait polling efficiency (#24711) (Thanks @jborean93!)
- Convert InvalidCommandNameCharacters in AnalysisCache to SearchValues<char> for more efficient char searching (#24880) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Convert s_charactersRequiringQuotes in Completion Completers to SearchValues<char> for more efficient char searching (#24879) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
Code Cleanup
We thank the following contributors!@xtqqczze, @fMichaleczek, @ArmaanMcleod
- Fix RunspacePool, RunspacePoolInternal and RemoteRunspacePoolInternal IDisposable implementation (#24720) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Remove redundant Attribute suffix (#24940) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Fix formatting of the XML comment for SteppablePipeline.Clean() (#24941)
- Use Environment.ProcessId in SpecialVariables.PID (#24926) (Thanks @fMichaleczek!)
- Replace char[] array in CompletionRequiresQuotes with cached SearchValues (#24907) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Update IndexOfAny calls with invalid path/filename to SearchValues<char> for more efficient char searching (#24896) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Seal internal types in PlatformInvokes (#24826) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Update CODEOWNERS (#24989)
Build and Packaging Improvements
We thank the following contributors!@xtqqczze, @KyZy7
- Update branch for release - Transitive - false - none (#24995)
- Add setup dotnet action to the build composite action (#24996)
- Give the pipeline runs meaningful names (#24987)
- Fix V-Pack download package name (#24866)
- Set LangVersion compiler option to 13.0 in Test.Common.props (#24621) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Fix release branch filters (#24933)
- Fix GitHub Action filter overmatching (#24929)
- Add UseDotnet task for installing dotnet (#24905)
- Convert powershell/PowerShell-CI-macos to GitHub Actions (#24914)
- Convert powershell/PowerShell-CI-linux to GitHub Actions (#24913)
- Convert powershell/PowerShell-Windows-CI to GitHub Actions (#24899)
- Fix MSIX stage in release pipeline (#24900)
- Update .NET SDK (#24906)
- Update metadata.json (#24862)
- PMC parse state correctly from update command's response (#24850)
- Add EV2 support for publishing PowerShell packages to PMC (#24841)
- Remove AzDO credscan as it is now in GitHub (#24842)
- Add *.props and sort path filters for windows CI (#24822)
- Use work load identity service connection to download makeappx tool from storage account (#24817)
- Update path filters for Windows CI (#24809)
- Update outdated package references (#24758)
- Update metadata.json (#24787) (Thanks @KyZy7!)
- Add tool package download in publish nuget stage (#24790)
- Fix Changelog content grab during GitHub Release (#24788)
- Update metadata.json (#24764)
- Update Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet to 1.1.0 (#24767)
- Add a parameter that skips verify packages step (#24763)
Documentation and Help Content
- Add 7.4.7 Changelog (#24844)
- Create changelog for v7.5.0 (#24808)
- Update Changelog for v7.6.0-preview.2 (#24775)
Release v7.6.0-preview.3 Release of PowerShell · PowerShell/PowerShell
7.6.0-preview.3 Breaking Changes Remove trailing space from event source name (#24192) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes Add completion single/double quote support for -Noun...
PowerShell Preview - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store
PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes. PowerShell commands let you manage computers from the...
See also:

Check PowerShell Version in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to check the current version of PowerShell in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell helps IT...