The latest version of Intel Arc GPU Graphics Software introduced an interesting change that isn't reflected in the Release Notes. The installer of the 101.4578 beta drivers add a "Compute Improvement Program" (CIP) component as part of the "typical" setup option that is enabled by default. Under the "custom" installer option that you have to activate manually, you get to select which components to install. The Compute Improvement Program can be unchecked here, to ensure data collection is disabled. The benignly named CIP is a data collection component that tracks your PC usage and performance in the background (not just that of the GPU), so Intel can use the data to improve its future products. Intel created a dedicated webpage that spells out what CIP is, and what its scope of data collection is; where is says that CIP "does not collect your name, email address, phone number, sensitive personal information, or physical location (except for country)."
Read more:

PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry (after Opt-In)
Graphics cards are the most dynamic hardware components of the modern PC, in need of constant driver updates to keep them optimized for the latest games. Intel may be the newest on the block with discrete gaming GPUs, with its Arc A-series competing in the mid-range, but the company has a vast...

Intel® Computing Improvement Program
Information about the Intel® Computing Improvement Program

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