It is the reaction score that counts towards rank badges. You only get trophies from the other points.
These links may help:
Explains the Site badges and ranking system.
You can earn trophies by carrying out different actions. This page shows a list of the trophies that are available.
Wait. The description is slightly confusing. I understand that you gain points from reaction scores as well as other hallmark events. However, according to this,
"Badges are given when a user reaches a certain reaction score and
also meets the minimum requirements posted below..." (from the Ranks and Badges page)
Rank Badges (Earned from reaction points and posts)
you have effectively created a Boolean condition meaning you'd have to have both. That's clearly not the case here.
The regular "Member" badge indicates you need 20 points. It doesn't specify that this is a reaction score. Points are earned by receiving reactions. The more reactions,, the more points. However, you can earn points from other actions.
The way I am interpreting this is that if you have 20 points, you get a member badge, not a reaction score of 20, but points. Am I missing something?
EDIT: I'm not complaining. I'm simply trying to understand this system better.
@z3r010 , perhaps you could assist here with some clarification of the criteria to advance?