Remap Co-Pilot Key back to a "Ctrl" Key Using Power Toys?


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windwos 11 pro
Ive read and watched multiple tutorials, can not seem to get this to work.

Is it not possible to remap the Copilot key to a control key?

I have windows 11 pro and installed Power toys, tried pressing Co-pilot key for the selection Which comes up as F23.

image 212.png

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I figured this out. I was having the same issue as you when trying to remap the copilot key on my laptop to a control key. Here's what I realized after messing around with the PowerToys application a bit.

The copilot key on your keyboard isn't a single key input; it's actually a shortcut. When you press the copilot key, it signals the shortcut "Windows+Shift+F23."

When you utilize the Remap a Key feature, you can only remap a single key input at a time, so when you click select and then press the copilot key, it's as if you're inputting "windows," then "shift", then "F23." And since that feature only allows a single input, it saves the last one. This why when you press the copilot key there, it shows up as just "F23."

What you should actually be doing is using the Remap a Shortcut feature instead! This way, when you click select and press copilot, the feature can hold all 3 inputs associated with that button ("Windows+shift+F23"). Then in the To Send section, you click select and press your left control key. Click okay, and your copilot key should now function as a control key.

Hope this helps!

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I figured this out. I was having the same issue as you when trying to remap the copilot key on my laptop to a control key. Here's what I realized after messing around with the PowerToys application a bit.

The copilot key on your keyboard isn't a single key input; it's actually a shortcut. When you press the copilot key, it signals the shortcut "Windows+Shift+F23."

When you utilize the Remap a Key feature, you can only remap a single key input at a time, so when you click select and then press the copilot key, it's as if you're inputting "windows," then "shift", then "F23." And since that feature only allows a single input, it saves the last one. This why when you press the copilot key there, it shows up as just "F23."

What you should actually be doing is using the Remap a Shortcut feature instead! This way, when you click select and press copilot, the feature can hold all 3 inputs associated with that button ("Windows+shift+F23"). Then in the To Send section, you click select and press your left control key. Click okay, and your copilot key should now function as a control key.

Hope this helps!

Not all heroes wear a cape! Thanks, it works! Goodbye unwanted Co-pilot key!

You made an account just to post this? Very helpful, im sure other's will find this from google in the future, as I couldnt find any useful tutorials prior.

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