Personalization Save Custom Theme in Windows 11


This tutorial will show you how to save your custom theme to a .theme or .deskthemepack file in Windows 11.

A theme is a combination of the desktop background, lock screen background, colors, sounds, and mouse pointers.

You can save your custom theme to a .theme or .deskthemepack file.

When you save your custom theme to a .theme file, it is saved to the %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes folder for the current user. The saved theme will now be available to select when changing your theme.

A .deskthemepack file can be used as a backup and for sharing your custom theme. The person you shared the .deskthemepack file with can double click/tap on the .deskthemepack file to save and apply the theme to their account.


  • Option One: Save Custom Theme to .theme file in Settings
  • Option Two: Save Custom Theme to .deskthemepack file in Settings
  • Option Three: Save Custom Theme to .theme file in Control Panel
  • Option Four: Save Custom Theme to .deskthemepack file in Control Panel

Option One

Save Custom Theme to .theme file in Settings

1 Open Settings (Win+I).

2 Click/tap on Personalization on the left side, and click/tap on Themes on the right side. (see screenshot below)


3 Click/tap on Save at the top. (see screenshot below)

You will only have Save available if you made unsaved changes to your theme.


4 Type a name (ex" "My Theme") you want for this theme, and click/tap on Save. (see screenshot below)


5 You can now close Settings if you like.

Option Two

Save Custom Theme to .deskthemepack file in Settings

1 Open Settings (Win+I).

2 Click/tap on Personalization on the left side, and click/tap on Themes on the right side. (see screenshot below)


3 Right click on a custom theme you want, and click/tap on Save theme for sharing. (see screenshot below)


4 Perform the following actions: (see screenshot below)
  1. Navigate to where you want to save the .deskthemepack file to.
  2. Type a name you want for the .deskthemepack file.
  3. Click/tap on Save.

5 You can now close Settings if you like.

Option Three

Save Custom Theme to .theme file in Control Panel

1 Open Run (Win+R).

2 Copy and paste the shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} command into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Personalization in the Control Panel.

3 In My Themes, right click on a custom unsaved theme you want, and click/tap on Save. (see screenshot below)


4 Type a name (ex" "My Theme") you want for this theme, and click/tap on Save. (see screenshot below)


5 You can now close the Personalization Control Panel if you like.

Option Four

Save Custom Theme to .deskthemepack file in Control Panel

1 Open Run (Win+R).

2 Copy and paste the shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} command into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Personalization in the Control Panel.

3 In My Themes, right click on a custom theme you want, and click/tap on Save theme for sharing. (see screenshot below)


4 Perform the following actions: (see screenshot below)
  1. Navigate to where you want to save the .deskthemepack file to.
  2. Type a name you want for the .deskthemepack file.
  3. Click/tap on Save.

5 You can now close the Personalization Control Panel if you like.

That's it,
Shawn Brink

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