@echo off
:: Created by Dronix7 01.01.2025 Changed 01.02.2025
(Net session >nul 2>&1)||(PowerShell start """%~0""" -verb RunAs & exit /b) & chcp 65001 > nul & title %~nx0
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
set VK1=Created 01.01.25 & set VK3=Changed 01.02.2025 & set Video="My Video 2025.01.01.bat"
mode con:cols=69 lines=10 & color F4
(set R=[31m) & (set B=[34m) & (set G=[32m) & (set E=[30;107m) & (set YL=[35;107m) & (set IR=[0m) & (set NK=[3m)
:: ====================================== Selecting Enabling or Disabling ViveTool Functions ========================================================
echo %G%Turn on%E% or %R%Turn off%E% the Function
echo %B%╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗%E%
echo %B%║%E% 1 - %NK%%G%/enable Enabling%IR%%E% the ViveTool or StagingTool Function%E% ║
echo %B%║%E% 2 - %NK%%R%/disable Disabling%IR%%E% the ViveTool or StagingTool Function%E% ║
echo %B%╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝%E%
set /p Vubor=".%B% Select the Desired one and %NK%%R%Enter%IR%%E%%B% or %NK%%R%Enter%IR%%E%%B% to Exit:%R%➤ "%E%
:: ======================================================= Variables ================================================================================
if %Vubor% gtr 2 (exit /b) else if %Vubor% lss 1 (exit /b)
set stquery=stagingtool.exe /query & set ExChoice=vivetool /enable /id:
set vtquery=vivetool /query /id:
set vtreset=vivetool /reset /id:
if %Vubor% == 1 (set OnOff= Turn On ) & (set vtcom=vivetool /enable /id:)
if %Vubor% == 2 (set OnOff= Turn Off ) & (set vtcom=vivetool /disable /id:)
:: ================================================= Executing Routines ============================================================================
(set R=[31m) & (set B=[34m) & (set G=[32m) & (set W=[97m) & (set E=[30;107m)
(set BG=[30;103m) & (set BL=[32;103m) & (set RI=[7m) & (set IR=[0m) & (set NK=[3m)
:: ================================= Changing the Size and Background of the Batch File Console =====================================================
mode con:cols=154 lines=80 & color F0 & echo.
:: ====================== Changing the Disk and Folder Paths to the Current Ones and Determining Windows Data =======================================
cd /d %~dp0 & call :Version
:: =========================================== Selecting and Executing ViveTool Commands ============================================================
echo ╔══════╦══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦════════╦════════════════════╦═════════╦═════════╦═══════════════════════╗
echo ║ %NK%%YL%Vive%E% ║ %YL% Name of the Function to Turn On, Off, Check%E% ║ %YL% Help%E% ║ %YL% Help %E% ║ %YL%Yotube RuTube%E% ║ %YL%Function%E%║ %R%Full%E% ║ %YL%Windows 11%IR%%E% ║
echo ║ %NK%%YL%Tool%E% ║ %YL% Ids using ViveTool or StagingTool %E% ║%YL%PcPortal%E%║ %YL%Site%E% ║ %YL%Платформа%E% ║ %YL% Status%E% ║ %R%Reset%E% ║ %YL%Build Number%IR%%E% ║
echo ╚══════╩══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════╩════════╩════════════════════╩═════════╩═════════╩═══════════════════════╝
echo ╔══════╦══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦════════╦════════════════════╦═════════╦═════════╦═══════════════════════╗
echo ║ 1 ║ %B%New Position of Widgets on the Taskbar%E% ║ 1011 ║ 2011 ║ 3101 3201 3301 ║ 901 ║ %NK%%R%501%IR%%E% ║ All Builds of Windows ║
echo ║ 2 ║ %B%Integration Phone Connection with the Start Menu%E% ║ 1012 ║ 2012 ║ 3102 3202 3302 ║ 902 ║ %NK%%R%502%IR%%E% ║ 22635.4870 26235.3790 ║
echo ║ 3 ║ %B%Adjusting the Output Details ··· in the Explorer%E% ║ 1013 ║ 2013 ║ 3103 3203 3303 ║ 903 ║ %NK%%R%503%IR%%E% ║All Builds Except Beta ║
echo ║ 4 ║ %B%Signatures of the "Rename, etc." icons in the Explorer%E% ║ 1014 ║ ║ 3104 3204 3304 ║ 904 ║ %NK%%R%504%IR%%E% ║ 26235.4660 ║
echo ║ 5 ║ %B%Detailed Presentation in the "System" Section%E% ║ 1015 ║ 2015 ║ 3105 3205 3305 ║ 905 ║ %NK%%R%505%IR%%E% ║ 26235.4660 27783.1000 ║
echo ║ 6 ║ %B%The "Save" button in the Test Settings%E% ║ 1016 ║ ║ 3106 3206 3306 ║ 906 ║ %NK%%R%506%IR%%E% ║ 27768.1000 ║
echo ║ 7 ║ %B%Battery Percentage Display on the Taskbar%E% ║ 1017 ║ 2017 ║ 3107 3207 3307 ║ 907 ║ %NK%%R%507%IR%%E% ║ 26120.2992 ║
echo ║ 8 ║ %B%Improved Start Menu Section ► All Applications%E% ║ 1018 ║ 2018 ║ 3108 3208 3308 ║ 908 ║ %NK%%R%508%IR%%E% ║ 22635.4870 22635.4800 ║
echo ║ 9 ║ %B%File Sharing - Drag Tray%E% ║ 1019 ║ 2019 ║ 3109 3209 3309 ║ 909 ║ %NK%%R%509%IR%%E% ║ 22635.4805 ║
echo ║ 10 ║ %B%Emoji button in the System Tray - %NK%%R%Variant-1%IR%%E% ║ 1020 ║ ║ 3110 3210 3310 ║ 910 ║ %NK%%R%510%IR%%E% ║ 22635.4870 26120.3073 ║
echo ║ 11 ║ %B%Emoji button in the System Tray - %NK%%R%Variant-2%IR%%E% ║ 1021 ║ ║ 3111 3211 3311 ║ 911 ║ %NK%%R%511%IR%%E% ║ 22635.4870 26120.3073 ║
echo ║ 12 ║ %B%Emoji button in the System Tray - %NK%%R%Variant-3%IR%%E% ║ 1022 ║ ║ 3112 3212 3312 ║ 912 ║ %NK%%R%512%IR%%E% ║ 22635.4870 26120.3073 ║
echo ║ 13 ║ %B%Emoji button in the System Tray - %NK%%R%Variant-4%IR%%E% ║ 1023 ║ ║ 3113 3213 3313 ║ 913 ║ %NK%%R%513%IR%%E% ║ 22635.4870 26120.3073 ║
echo ╠══════╬══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════╩════════╬════════════════════╬═════════╩═════════╩═══════════════════════╣
echo ║ 999 ║ %NK%%R%Additionally%IR%%E%: %B%Videos on Other Platforms:%E% ║ %B%VK, Telegram, Dzen%E% ║ ║
echo ╚══════╩════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════════════════╩═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
set choice=
set /p choice="%B%. Select the Desired one and %NK%%R%Enter%IR%%E%%B% or %NK%%R%Enter%IR%%E%%B% to Exit:%R%➤ "%E% & echo. & color E0
if %choice% == exit /b
:: =========================================== New Position of Widgets on the Taskbar ===============================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 30.03.2024
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 1 %vtcom%48660958,48468527,48468541 & (set Id=48660958, 48468527, 48468541) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 901 %stquery% 48660958 & echo. & %stquery% 48468527 & echo. & %stquery% 48468541 & echo.
if %choice% == 901 %vtquery%48660958,48468527,48468541 & (set Id=48660958, 48468527, 48468541) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 501 %vtreset%48660958,48468527,48468541 & (set Id=48660958, 48468527, 48468541) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1011 start https://clck.ru/39kceE & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 2011 start https://clck.ru/39mDVp & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=Neowin & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3101 start https://clck.ru/3FF5wU & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3201 start https://clck.ru/3FF6i9 & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3301 start https://clck.ru/3FF6L3 & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ======================================= Integration Phone Connection with the Start Menu =========================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 22.06.2024
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 2 %ExChoice%48433719 & echo. & %vtcom%48697323 & (set Id=48433719, 48697323) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 902 %stquery% 48433719 & echo. & %stquery% 48697323 & echo.
if %choice% == 902 %vtquery%48433719,48697323 & (set Id=48433719, 48697323) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 502 %vtreset%48697323 & (set Id=48697323) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1012 start https://clck.ru/39kceE & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 2012 start https://clck.ru/3FGsqx & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=Community & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3102 start https://clck.ru/3Fa2hW & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3202 start https://clck.ru/3Fa34z & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3302 start https://clck.ru/3FHAEa & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ========================================= Adjusting the Output Details ··· in the Explorer =======================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 22.06.2024
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 3 %vtcom%51960011 & (set Id=51960011) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 903 %stquery% 51960011 & echo.
if %choice% == 903 %vtquery%51960011 & (set Id=51960011) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 503 %vtreset%51960011 & (set Id=51960011) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1013 start https://clck.ru/3Ed8gN & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 2013 start https://clck.ru/3FNcC4 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=ElevenForum & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3103 start https://clck.ru/3FNnJH & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3203 start https://clck.ru/3FNmVW & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3303 start https://clck.ru/3FNnLC & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ======================================= Signatures of the "Rename, etc." icons in the Explorer ===================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 04.01.2025
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 4 %vtcom%54792954 & (set Id=54792954) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 904 %stquery% 54792954 & echo.
if %choice% == 904 %vtquery%54792954 & (set Id=54792954) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 504 %vtreset%54792954 & (set Id=54792954) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1014 start https://clck.ru/3Fa5H8 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
:: if %choice% == 2014 start https://clck.ru/3FNcC4 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=ElevenForum & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3104 start https://clck.ru/3Fa2hW & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3204 start https://clck.ru/3Fa34z & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3304 start https://clck.ru/3Fa3Ff & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ========================================== Detailed Presentation in the "System" Section =========================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 04.01.2025 Changed 29.01.2025
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 5 %ExChoice%48433719 & echo. & %vtcom%51784082,54618938 & (set Id=51784082,54618938,48433719) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 905 %stquery% 48433719 & echo. & %stquery% 51784082 & echo. & %stquery% 54618938 & echo.
if %choice% == 905 %vtquery%51784082,54618938,48433719 & (set Id=51784082,54618938,48433719) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 505 %vtreset%51784082,54618938 & (set Id=51784082,54618938) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1015 start https://clck.ru/3Fa5H8 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 2015 start https://clck.ru/3Fameu & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=TheCommunity & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3105 start https://clck.ru/3FaX8h & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3205 start https://clck.ru/3FaXA9 & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3305 start https://clck.ru/3FaXBj & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: =========================================== The "Save" button in the Test Settings =============================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 10.01.2025
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 6 %vtcom%53433737 & (set Id=53433737) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 906 %stquery% 53433737 & echo.
if %choice% == 906 %vtquery%53433737 & (set Id=53433737) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 506 %vtreset%53433737 & (set Id=53433737) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1016 start https://clck.ru/3FfLGf & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
:: if %choice% == 2016 start https://clck.ru/3FNcC4 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=ElevenForum & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3106 start https://clck.ru/3Fk4pV & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3206 start https://clck.ru/3Fk4wp & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3306 start https://clck.ru/3Fk4zh & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ========================================== Battery Percentage Display on the Taskbar =============================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 18.01.2024
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 7 %ExChoice%48433719 & echo. & %vtcom%48822452 & (set Id=48433719, 48822452) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 907 %stquery% 48433719 & echo. & %stquery% 48822452 & echo.
if %choice% == 907 %vtquery%48433719,48822452 & (set Id=48433719, 48822452) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 507 %vtreset%48822452 & (set Id=48822452) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1017 start https://clck.ru/3FpCoy & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 2017 start https://clck.ru/3FpCjj & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=Community & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3107 start https://clck.ru/3FpB9t & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3207 start https://clck.ru/3FpBCj & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3307 start https://clck.ru/3FpBFW & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ========================================== Improved Start Menu Section ► All Applications ========================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 19.01.2025
(set Id1=48433719) & (set Id2=47205210) & (set Id3=49221331) & (set Id4=47205210,49221331) & (set Id5=48433719,47205210,49221331)
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 8 %ExChoice%%Id1% & echo. & %vtcom%%Id4% & (set Id=%Id5%) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 908 %stquery% %Id1% & echo. & %stquery% %Id2% & echo. & %stquery% %Id3% & echo.
if %choice% == 908 %vtquery%%Id5% & (set Id=%Id5%) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 508 %vtreset%%Id4% & (set Id=%Id4%) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1018 start https://clck.ru/3FpaZq & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 2018 start https://clck.ru/3Fps4i & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=Deskmodder & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3108 start https://clck.ru/3FpZqm & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3208 start https://clck.ru/3FpZrv & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3308 start https://clck.ru/3FpZtP & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: =================================================== File Sharing - Drag Tray =====================================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 19.01.2025
(set Id1=48433719) & (set Id2=45624564) & (set Id3=53397005) & (set Id4=45624564,53397005) & (set Id5=48433719,45624564,53397005)
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifiers) & (set Action=Disabled ))
if %choice% == 9 %ExChoice%%Id1% & echo. & %vtcom%%Id4% & (set Id=%Id5%) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 909 %stquery% %Id1% & echo. & %stquery% %Id2% & echo. & %stquery% %Id3% & echo.
if %choice% == 909 %vtquery%%Id5% & (set Id=%Id5%) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 509 %vtreset%%Id4% & (set Id=%Id4%) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1019 start https://clck.ru/3FyXWY & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 2019 start https://clck.ru/3FyaL6 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=Community & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3109 start https://clck.ru/3Fy7HP & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3209 start https://clck.ru/3Fy7Uz & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3309 start https://clck.ru/3Fy7XH & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ================================================= Emoji button in the System Tray ================================================================
:: Created by Dronix7 01.02.2025
if %Vubor% == 1 ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Enabled )) else ((set Identf=Identifier) & (set Action=Disabled ))
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 10 %vtcom%48504539 /variant:1 & (set Id=48504539) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 11 %vtcom%48504539 /variant:2 & (set Id=48504539) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 12 %vtcom%48504539 /variant:3 & (set Id=48504539) & echo. & goto :Dalee
if %choice% == 13 %vtcom%48504539 /variant:4 & (set Id=48504539) & echo. & goto :Dalee
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 910 %stquery% 48504539 & echo.
if %choice% == 911 %stquery% 48504539 & echo.
if %choice% == 912 %stquery% 48504539 & echo.
if %choice% == 913 %stquery% 48504539 & echo.
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 910 %vtquery%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 911 %vtquery%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 912 %vtquery%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 913 %vtquery%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Verified) & color 0A & goto :_Dalee1
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 510 %vtreset%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 511 %vtreset%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 512 %vtreset%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 513 %vtreset%48504539 & (set Id=48504539) & (set Action=Reset) & echo. & goto :_Dalee1
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 1020 start https://clck.ru/3G7umY & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1021 start https://clck.ru/3G7umY & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1022 start https://clck.ru/3G7umY & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 1023 start https://clck.ru/3G7umY & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=PcPortal & goto :_Dalee1
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
:: if %choice% == 2020 start https://clck.ru/3FNcC4 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=ElevenForum & goto :_Dalee1
:: if %choice% == 2021 start https://clck.ru/3FNcC4 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=ElevenForum & goto :_Dalee1
:: if %choice% == 2022 start https://clck.ru/3FNcC4 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=ElevenForum & goto :_Dalee1
:: if %choice% == 2023 start https://clck.ru/3FNcC4 & (set Id=Help on the Site) & set Action=ElevenForum & goto :_Dalee1
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 3110 start https://clck.ru/3G7sui & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3111 start https://clck.ru/3G7sui & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3112 start https://clck.ru/3G7sui & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3113 start https://clck.ru/3G7sui & set Action=YouTube & goto :_Dalee1
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 3210 start https://clck.ru/3G7t53 & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3211 start https://clck.ru/3G7t53 & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3212 start https://clck.ru/3G7t53 & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3213 start https://clck.ru/3G7t53 & set Action=RuTube & goto :_Dalee1
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if %choice% == 3310 start https://clck.ru/3G7tBA & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3311 start https://clck.ru/3G7tBA & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3312 start https://clck.ru/3G7tBA & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
if %choice% == 3313 start https://clck.ru/3G7tBA & set Action=Платформа & goto :_Dalee1
:: ==================================== Additionally: %B%Videos on Other Platforms: VK, Telegram, Dzen ==============================================
if %choice% == 999 cmd /c %Video% & title %~nx0 & goto :Vupolnenie
:: ============================================== Selection Of Additional Variables =================================================================
set ZF=%BG%
call :Messg
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
set ZF=%BG%& set RW=%R%
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "90" (set ZF=%G%) & (set R=%W%) & (set B=%W%) & echo.
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "91" (set ZF=%G%) & (set R=%W%) & (set B=%W%) & echo.
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "92" (set ZF=%G%) & (set R=%W%) & (set B=%W%) & echo.
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "93" (set ZF=%G%) & (set R=%W%) & (set B=%W%) & echo.
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "31" echo %B%Viewed a Video on the Website %R%%Action%%ZF% & echo. & goto :Dal
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "32" echo %B%Viewed a Video on the Website %R%%Action%%ZF% & echo. & goto :Dal
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "33" echo %B%Viewed a Video on the Website %R%%Action%%ZF% & echo. & goto :Dal
if "%choice:~0,3%" == "101" echo %B%Viewed Site Help %R%%Action%%ZF% & echo. & goto :Dal
if "%choice:~0,3%" == "102" echo %B%Viewed Site Help %R%%Action%%ZF% & echo. & goto :Dal
if "%choice:~0,3%" == "103" echo %B%Viewed Site Help %R%%Action%%ZF% & echo. & goto :Dal
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "20" echo %B%Viewed Site Help %R%%Action%%ZF% & echo. & goto :Dal
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
echo %NK%%Identf% %IR%%ZF%%B%%Id%%ZF% %NK%%Action% %ZF%%R%%Message%%IR%%ZF% & echo.
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
echo. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
echo ║ %R%0%ZF% - Continue Selecting ViveTool or StagingTool Commands ║
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "31" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,2%" == "32" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,2%" == "33" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,2%" == "90" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,2%" == "91" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,2%" == "92" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,2%" == "93" (goto :Dal2)
if "%choice:~0,3%" == "101" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,3%" == "201" (goto :Dal2)
if "%choice:~0,3%" == "102" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,3%" == "202" (goto :Dal2)
if "%choice:~0,3%" == "103" (goto :Dal2) else if "%choice:~0,3%" == "203" (goto :Dal2)
echo ║ %R%00%ZF% - Computer Reboot ║
echo ║ %R%000%ZF% - Restarting Explorer ║
echo ║ %R%Enter%ZF% - EXIT ║
echo. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "90" (set G=[92m) & set OP=[96m
if "%choice:~0,2%" == "90" set /p choice=".%W% Make Your Choice and Press %NK%%G%Enter%IR%%W% or %NK%%G%Enter%IR%%W% to Exit:%OP%➤ " %ZF% & goto :MimoB
set /p choice="%B%. Make Your Choice and Press %NK%%R%Enter%IR%%ZF%%B% or %NK%%R%Enter%IR%%ZF%%B% to Exit:%R%➤ "%E%
if "%choice%"== "0" goto :Vupolnenie
if "%choice%"== "00" shutdown.exe -r -t 0
if "%choice%"=="000" goto :RestExpl
goto eof
goto :Vupolnenie
:: =================================================== Restarting Explorer ==========================================================================
Taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe & start explorer.exe
:: ===================================================== Windows Data =============================================================================
@echo off & prompt $g
:: ============================================== BranchName - Update Channel =======================================================================
set RegPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability & set RegV=BranchName
reg query %RegPath% /v %RegV% >nul 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 set NamerBranch=Stable & goto :MimoNamerBranch
set UseExpresssion=Reg Query %RegPath% /v %RegV%
for /F "tokens=*" %%X IN ('%UseExpresssion%') do set "NamerBranch=%%X"
set NamerBranch=%NamerBranch:*REG_SZ =%
:: ===================================================== OSEdition ==================================================================================
:: Версия Windows
set RegPath="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" & set RegV=ProductName
set UseExpresssion=Reg Query %RegPath% /v %RegV%
for /F "tokens=*" %%X IN ('%UseExpresssion%') do set OSEdition=%%X
set OSEdition=%OSEdition:*REG_SZ =%
set OSEdition=%OSEdition:~0,8%11%OSEdition:~10,4%
:: =================================================== Windows Type =================================================================================
if Defined ProgramFiles(x86) (set OSType=x64) else (set OSType=x86)
set RegPath="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" & set RegV=DisplayVersion
set UseExpresssion=Reg Query %RegPath% /v %RegV%
for /F "tokens=*" %%X IN ('%UseExpresssion%') do set OSVersion=%%X
set OSVersion=%OSVersion:*REG_SZ =%
@echo off
:: ============================================= BuildBranch - The Assembly Branch ==================================================================
set RegPath="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" & set RegV=BuildBranch
set MyExpresssion=Reg Query %RegPath% /v %RegV%
for /F "tokens=*" %%X IN ('%MyExpresssion%') do set OSVe=%%X
set BranchBuild=%OSVe:*REG_SZ =%
:: ==================================== Windows Build - Includes The Full Assembly Number ===========================================================
set UseExpresssion=Ver
for /F "tokens=*" %%X IN ('%UseExpresssion%') do set OSBuild=%%X
set OSBuild=%OSBuild:*10.0.=%
set OSBuild=%OSBuild:~0,-1%
:: ========================================= The Check is Windows 10 or Windows 11 ==================================================================
if %OSBuild:~0,1% == 1 set OSEdition=%OSEdition:~0,8%10%OSEdition:~10,4%
:: ================================================= Output of Results ==============================================================================
:: ========================================= OSEdition OSBuild OSVersion OSType =====================================================================
echo %R% %OSEdition% %OSBuild% %OSVersion% %OSType% %E%
:: ============================================ Extracting The Processor Name =======================================================================
set RegPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\1 & set RegV=ProcessorNameString
reg query %RegPath% /v %RegV% >nul 2>&1
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %RegPath% /v %RegV%' ) do set "npr=%%b"
echo %B% %npr% %E% & echo.
:: ==================================================================================================================================================
:: set NamerBranch=CanaryChannel& set BranchBuild=rs_prerelease
:: set NamerBranch=Dev& set BranchBuild=ge_release
:: set NamerBranch=Beta& set BranchBuild=ni_release
:: set NamerBranch=Stable & set BranchBuild=ge_release
:: set NamerBranch=ReleasePreview& set BranchBuild=ge_release
:: ================================================== Build Branch and Channel ======================================================================
if %NamerBranch% == CanaryChannel set VK2=%NamerBranch% %BranchBuild% & goto :ObhodBC
if %NamerBranch% == Dev set VK2=%NamerBranch% %BranchBuild% & goto :ObhodBC
if %NamerBranch% == Beta set VK2=%NamerBranch% %BranchBuild% & goto :ObhodBC
if %NamerBranch% == Stable set VK2=%NamerBranch% %BranchBuild% & goto :ObhodBC
if %NamerBranch% == ReleasePreview set VK2=%NamerBranch% %BranchBuild% & goto :ObhodBC
:: ==================================== Display ENABLE, DISABLE the selectable ViveTool ID ==========================================================
echo %R%%RI%%OnOff%%IR%%E% ViveTool Selectable ID & echo.
:: ============================== File Creation Date Build Branch and Channel File Editing Date =====================================================
:: ===================================== Spaces Before & goto :CrChEd To Change as Needed ===========================================================
if %NamerBranch% == CanaryChannel echo %G%%VK1%%E%%R% %VK2%%E%%G% %VK3%%E% & goto :CrChEd
if %NamerBranch% == Dev echo %G%%VK1% %E% %R% %VK2% %E% %G% %VK3% %E% & goto :CrChEd
if %NamerBranch% == Beta echo %G%%VK1% %E% %R% %VK2% %E% %G% %VK3% %E% & goto :CrChEd
if %NamerBranch% == Stable echo %G%%VK1% %E% %R% %VK2% %E% %G% %VK3% %E% & goto :CrChEd
if %NamerBranch% == ReleasePreview echo %G%%VK1%%E%%R% %VK2%%E%%G% %VK3%%E%
goto :eof
:: =================================================== Displayed Messages ===========================================================================
set "Message="
if %choice% == 1 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 501 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 2 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 502 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 3 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 503 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 4 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 504 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 5 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 505 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 6 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 506 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 7 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 507 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 8 (set Message=%Sb2%) else if %choice% == 508 (set Message=%Sb2%)
if %choice% == 9 (set Message=%Sb2%) else if %choice% == 509 (set Message=%Sb2%)
if %choice% == 10 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 510 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 11 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 511 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 12 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 512 (set Message=%Sb1%)
if %choice% == 13 (set Message=%Sb1%) else if %choice% == 513 (set Message=%Sb1%)
goto :eof
:: ==================================================================================================================================================