I liked XP the best.
It should have been x64 from the get go.
I think it was more what an OS should be... just an OS.
It was clean, intuitive and didn't fight with the user 24/7.
I don't know who's designing Windows now... but it NOT intuitive. Every setting is a fight.
Now-a-days, it kind of like... I'm working on someone else's computer, and can't find anything.
It seems like XP just tried to be an OS... and today OSes, try to be everything... which is a mistake.
Windows and ALL software should be like a socket set.
Windows being the ratchet, and all the little everythings should be like the sockets (plugins).
I think ALL developers of all software have gone down the wrong road... or gone down the right road, the wrong way.
Software is getting too hard. Software should be a tool I use... it shouldn't be like undergraduate studies.
We will obviously need to learn how to cook, but we shouldn't have to learn how to use a spoon, again and again and again.
I have the same complaints about Bitdefender, for example. It should be a basic AV/firewall, with plugins for all that other stuff.
All I want Windows to do, is run a few programs of my choice, and go online. The rest should be plugins or even 3rd party solutions.
Developers need to get back to "knowing" how to develop compatible software. That should be their job, not mine.
On my end... things should just work.
I'm a large, loud proponent of backup software, but it has the same problem. It tries to do everything in one piece of software.
Backup software should be... simple. It should do backup/restore, have bootable media, protect it's own backups, and then have plugins for all that other stuff.
Linux has the right idea with their "packages". The only problem with Linux is that it's written in Klingon or something.