Been overcast here for 5 frickin days!!! I can't see squat!!!
You probably got a few more days.
Ofc, it'll get a bit smaller each day. It was closest on the 25th. I didn't even know about it then.
I can never see it when it "just" comes over the horizon, but I think that's the best time for seeing things... large.
I lucked out here. Overcast like all get out, during the day, but crystal clear, at night.
I can't see it till like after midnight here, because of the hills and trees.
I kind of miss my younger days, when I could get up a planet sighting party, etc.
Now it's just me in my jammies out there. LOL
Unfortunately, approx. 3:15am is the best time for me. I live on a dark deadend street, and the ONLY light, is a street light in my front yard. At 3:15am though, I can stand on the front porch where the porch roof blocks the street light completely.
And... SW is the best direction for me as well. It's got the lowest hills and trees in that direction.
11:47pm ET
Same binocs, on a tripod this time... found another spot between two trees...
Only real difference was a slight tilt (to the left), and the moons were a lot clearer.
Instead of guesstimating how many moons I could see, I could definitely tell there were four.
If Jupiter wasn't so bright, I'm sure I'd be able to see the Red spot, and maybe some bands.
But the planet is like an LED.
The Red spot and some of the bands are bigger than the moons I can see...
I'm gonna keep an eye on it for the next few nights. Maybe the geometry will change some, so it isn't so bright.
It's literally, like a white LED.
Well since I can't change the aperture on my binocs, I guess I'll have to get an 800mm (16x) lens for my camera.
They're only $13,000 LOL