pretty much unsolvable problem.
Don't do any DIY
There are billions of spam emails sent every day and without email filtering (done by governments in conjunction with email service providers) your inbox would be 99.99% spam emails. Instead, you receive only a few % spam emails. That's very good, only a few spam emails slip through, and reporting/forwarding those few would not help much, the authorities already know and they are always adjusting/improving the email filters depending on what the spammers do.
It is a different matter if you receive a flurry of spam emails. That would indicate a leak in the email filters, such as a new employee of a small email service provider implementing the government instructions not quite accurately, for example. In case of a flurry of spam emails, it does make sense to report/forward the spam emails, as it may very well help stop the leak.
Let the authorities handle spam email, they have tools you don't have. Just delete any isolated spam emails and forget about it. You may want to report/forward a flurry of spam emails to the authorities. The responsible authority in the U.S. is the FTC.
Edit: Don't worry about the severity of the content of the spam email, it could threaten to kill you or a loved one or blow up your house or whatever evil human imagination can come up with, it can be upsetting but it is not terribly relevant (Without specifics, I even doubt that your local police would take it seriously, it's more like a bar fight where all the drunks involved in the fight utter death threats LOL)
Also don't worry about your email address being out in the open. If you have had the email address for a long time, it is more likely than not that your email address (along with billions of other email addresses) had been out in the open for a long time also and nothing bad happened to you (not advocating imprudence, though)