I'm baaaaccckkk . . . greetings to all from a nonprolific Seven and Ten forum poster. I got wonderful advice from SevenForums back in 2014 that helped me upgrade and clean install Windows on my 2012 HP desktop when it was threatening me with all kinds of issues just outside warranty, and TenForums helped me get the OS upgraded before support ran out. Now the ten-year-old desktop is having problems again and I decided I really need a laptop so that's what I have. It came with Win11 installed, making me feel like an early adopter!
I've been lurking on this forum for at least a week trying to figure out every step I need to think about in order to do a clean install to eliminate Dell bloatware. Which forum would be the best place to start a thread with questions on that topic? The clean install itself looks straightforward from the helpful tutorial, but I have questions about the bootable USB, making a backup of the factory setup, partitioning the disk after clean install, and probably other questions as I get into it. Maybe I should just post individual questions at the tail of the tutorial?
Another question for my own curiosity is how is this site supported? I looked for an "about" page but didn't really see anything.
Thank you in advance for the warm welcome I'm sure is coming