For purpose of clarifying why and what I did.,. here I go
1) I was simply testing the product to see what error message I received and to see if it worked on my device. The goal was to determine what was wrong and the I could help the developer fix any issues since the code is available on GitHub. I was somewhat supersized that the app worked given how MS has locked down the taskbar so apps don’t have access to it.. There are other ones I use that fail to execute due to this.
2) I had no intentions of staring a fight or arguing.. it was simply an exercise in seeing if the app worked on my device and in this case it’s a desktop PC. The build of Windows 11 I’m using is the Dev one.. and I have the latest version,
Overall this forum covers all versions and builds of 11, not just the Dev one. Below are the weather widgets and apps I have on the task bar.
Bottom line.. I meant no Ill will or to cause confusion. I apologize if I did ,
Image of the Dev weather widget,. On the left side of the taskbar
Image of the weather taskbar app on the right side of the taskbar
Oh and it includes both the widget and the app.. you can see both.. the widget on the left and the weather app on the right. On my device the
weather app works but on others devices it may not for some reason. So.. I'm done and over all of this. Peace and totally out...