The way I do it is whittling their health down to near nothing using heavy weapons then use small arms weapon to "incapacitate" them. That other way, cause I'm going the Net Runner route is to again, use heavy weapons to whittle their health, and use the contagion Cyberware to incapacitate them. Either works like a champ
Same for the first way, just making sure that the final weapon used is a non lethal one. I have had instances in older play-throughs where a heavy weapon got them too close to the edge and they end up dying anyway, even with a light weapon. The non-lethal mod prevents that 100% if you use it as the last weapon on them,
but only if you also don't accidentally shoot them again when they start falling lol. I never thought about contagion, though, I tend to pack heavy cyberware, but I may have to try that one - only have the last one left, though, so....
It's a lot of very precise maneuvering, at times, with this game, which is why I've been in love with it since day one (I suspect you and I share that love for this game, too). And it's not just a matter of dialog choices, every single step is a choice on how to proceed, making this game easily re-playable many many times, even with the exact same character build every time.
That was from the original game. Don't know what they did now as this is the first time playing since the initial game patch. One thing I noticed up front is you no longer have to travel to a drop box to get paid by fixers like you did before. That's new (to me).
Try modding any clothing. I'll wait.
As for not having to travel to drop boxes, you'll still need to for depositing items for certain quests, as well as picking up
bonuses for quests that you perform superbly in their eyes. But, yeah, direct payments makes sense - I mean, you pay for things through direct payments, so they should as well. One of many enhancements that makes the game infinitely better, for sure.
I have gotten up to the
Transmission quest, but for the first time, I sided with NetWatch instead of the VDBs. I want to see how this plays out, as I've always, in the past, taken out that guy. It's interesting. But I suspect it's gonna be hard as hell at the end of
Transmission. Probably gonna have to fight my way out lol.