What is new in Yammer for March 2022

This past month introduced several capabilities for admins and end users alike from improving your consumption on Yammer with updates in the home feed, bookmarking conversations, answer upvoting and more. Here’s what’s new for Yammer this month:

Yammer Upvote Answers

Available now, community members can upvote a response if it’s a helpful or useful contribution to the question. Anyone can view who voted for each reply. You can only vote for a reply once, but you can vote on more than one reply. The more votes an answer receives, the higher it’ll go in the conversation. This saves you time by being able to quickly scan for information without having to scroll through answers to find the most useful response. Learn more about this in the announcement blog.

Bookmark Conversations
Bookmark any conversation to have access to its content, replies and nested replies to read later. The bookmark feed is private to you and is sorted by the date they are added. Remove bookmarks once you’ve had a chance to read and take necessary action on the conversation. If you had bookmarks in the legacy Yammer, they’ll show up on your profile page. See more details on the announcement blog post.

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Bookmarks on Yammer

Dark Mode now available on web

Dark mode can be enabled to view lighter text on a dark background. This is available now on web, mobile, and in the communities app for Microsoft Teams. Users can switch between dark and light mode as they interact with Yammer from their settings.

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Dark mode now available

Edit Attachments in Post

Coming soon, you’ll be able to edit attachments on posts. This will apply to any types of attachments such as images, links, GIFs. You can correct any mistakes made with the original attachments without having to delete the thread and start over. This includes editing attachments in Yammer announcements. Edit attachments on the web, the communities app for Microsoft Teams and coming soon on the mobile app.

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Edit attachment

Updates to notifications in the Communities app in Teams

Now when you are added to a new community, you’ll receive a notification in Microsoft Teams. Edit notification settings in your profile.

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Notifications for community members

More content and conversations for you

Discover new and relevant conversations happening across your organization. Keep scrolling when you get a notification to see more conversations that may be of interest. You’ll see this in a variety of places, such as in your notifications in Yammer, within Outlook Web app (as shown below), your Communities app for Teams within the notifications, and coming soon to Outlook desktop app.

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More content for you in Yammer

New Yammer Admin Toggle available

Yammer admins can now enable the new Yammer for all users. Admins will have the ability to provide an opt out for admins only to have the ability to toggle the classic Yammer experience if they need to validate user feedback or access features that are only available in classic Yammer.

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New Yammer Toggle

What’s coming soon?

See what else Yammer has planned on the public roadmap and keep an eye on this blog for more news, updates, and best practices relating to Yammer and communities in Microsoft 365.

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