Hi there
Firefox works just fine - and easily is settable as "Default Browser". For "Default search engine" you can use Duckgogo or whatever.
All these "Billion Dollar Lawsuits are just Lawyers fests and nothing to do with "EU" or "EUSSR" as some call it.
Personally looking at some of the financial legal systems the EU has actually benefited consumers far more than UK or US laws have -- e.g individual deposits guaranteed up to about 90,000 EUR if Banks go bust, credit card refunds if goods purchased are of "non marketable quality" etc. --
@barman58 - UK has a terrible history over consumers rights -- and even today half the supermarkets, pension funds, energy supply companies, transport systems, pension funds, care homes etc are being flogged off to overseas hedge funds who just asset strip them as quick as possible, walk away leaving pension funds in huge deficit and poor old taxpayers have to pick up the bill !!.
Ms while it makes mistakes for sure and its QC dept seems somewhat lacking is hardly "The Evil Empire" that many people think it is -- on the whole one can probably say countless millions of lives all over the planet are better because of Ms's innovations (Windows etc) rather than because of some large financial institutions or hedge funds.
Meanwhile as previous poster stated pointless discussion -- for better or worse UK is not in the EU so just get on with it and let's get back to Windows 11 etc.