I'm so old I was backing up data files in DOS before robocopy was even a gleam in its author's eye. Or, any other so-called backup program for that matter.
My backup batch file is written using XCOPY and all I have to do it click a shortcut to it, for my daily or weekly backup.
And since it only ads new or changed files to my backup drive, the whole process takes only a few seconds.
XCOPY /D /S /C /I /H /R /K /Y/J "D:\My Docs\*.*" "E:\Backup Folders\Documents\"
XCOPY /D /S /C /I /H /R /K /Y/J "D:\My Pictures\*.*" "E:\Backup Folders\My Pictures\"
In this case, my E: drive is a 1TB spinner I use for my data backups. D: is the second (data only) partition on my 500GB SSD.
I keep NO data files on my C: drive. That's the worse possible place for data files.
I also have two Flash Drives that I back up to. So in all, I have three backups, in case one might fail. The E: drive is internal to my PC, while the Flash Drives are External.
DOS Lives! (at least, for those who are smart enough, or old enough, to use it)