
Windows 11 tutorials, tricks, tips, and guides.
Enable or Disable Automatically Start Narrator after Sign-in in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off automatically start Narrator after sign-in for your account in Windows 11. Narrator is a screen reader included with Windows 11 that describes what's on your screen. IT lets you use your PC without a mouse to complete common tasks if you’re blind or have low vision. It reads and interacts with things on the screen, like text and buttons. Use Narrator to read and write email, browse the internet, and work with documents. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/chapter-1-introducing-narrator-7fe8fd72-541f-4536-7658-bfc37ddaf9c6#WindowsVersion=Windows_11 Option One: Turn On or Off Start Narrator after Sign-in in Settings Option Two: Turn On or Off Start Narrator after...
Enable or Disable Automatically Start Narrator before Sign-in in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off automatically start Narrator before sign-in for all users in Windows 11. Narrator is a screen reader included with Windows 11 that describes what's on your screen. It lets you use your PC without a mouse to complete common tasks if you’re blind or have low vision. It reads and interacts with things on the screen, like text and buttons. Use Narrator to read and write email, browse the internet, and work with documents. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/chapter-1-introducing-narrator-7fe8fd72-541f-4536-7658-bfc37ddaf9c6#WindowsVersion=Windows_11 You must be signed in as an administrator to turn on or off automatically start Narrator before sign-in for everyone...
Turn On or Off Narrator in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off Narrator for your account in Windows 11. Narrator is a screen reader included with Windows 11 that describes what's on your screen. Narrator lets you use your PC without a mouse to complete common tasks if you’re blind or have low vision. It reads and interacts with things on the screen, like text and buttons. Use Narrator to read and write email, browse the internet, and work with documents. Narrator can use installed legacy and natural voices. Specific commands let you navigate Windows, the web, and apps. Navigation is available using headings, links, landmarks, and more. You can read text (including punctuation) by page, paragraph, line, sentence, word, and character, as well as...
Enable or Disable Pop-up Description for Folder and Desktop Items in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable show pop-up descriptions for folder and desktop items for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. When you hover over a file, folder, drive, or desktop items in Windows, a pop-up description (infotip) will show displaying basic property details (metadata) of the item such as Date created, Size, Folders and Files a folder contains, etc... Option One: Enable or Disable Show Pop-up Description for Folder and Desktop Items in Folder Options Option Two: Enable or Disable Show Pop-up Description for Folder and Desktop Items using REG file EXAMPLE: Pop-up description (infotip) for folder and desktop items Enable or Disable Show Pop-up Description for Folder and Desktop Items...
Enable or Disable Run App in Compatibility Mode in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable always running an app in compatibility mode for your account or all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Most apps (and other programs, like games or utilities) that were created for earlier versions of Windows will work in the most recent version of Windows 11, but some older ones might run poorly or not at all. You can use compatibility mode to run the program using settings from an earlier version of Windows. Try this setting if you know the program is designed for (or worked with) a specific version of Windows. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/make-older-apps-or-programs-compatible-with-windows-10-783d6dd7-b439-bdb0-0490-54eea0f45938 You cannot use...
Show Drive Letters Before or After Drive Name in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to show drive letters before or after drive labels (name) in File Explorer for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. A drive letter is a single alphabetic character A through Z that has been assigned by Windows to a physical drive or drive partition connected to the computer to reference the drive by. EXAMPLE: Show drive letters before or after name in File Explorer > This PC Here's How: 1 Do step 2 (before) or step 3 (after) below for what you would like to do. Show Drive Letters Before Name in File Explorer A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below. Show_drive_letters_before_name_for_current_user.reg...
Change Color of Highlighted Text in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to change the color of highlighted text for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. When you highlight text in system windows and dialogs in Windows, the highlighted text color will be white by default. If you change your theme, the highlighted text color will be changed to what is included in the theme. The translucent selection rectangle color will affect how your highlighted text color looks blended with it. Part One: Select and Get RGB Color(s) Part Two: Change Color of Highlighted Text EXAMPLE: highlighted text color OneSelect and Get RGB Color(s) 1 Open the Paint (mspaint.exe) app. 2 Click/tap on the Edit Colors button in the ribbon on the far right. (see screenshot below) 3...
Upgrade to Windows 11 from Windows 10 with Windows 11 Installation Assistant
This tutorial will show you how to upgrade to Windows 11 from Windows 10 with the Windows 11 Installation Assistant. The Windows 11 Installation Assistant allows you to upgrade a Windows 10 PC directly to the latest Windows 11 build. Before you begin, check to see if the following conditions apply to you: You have a Windows 10 license. Your PC must have Windows 10, version 2004 or higher installed to run Installation Assistant. Your PC meets the Windows 11 device specifications for upgrade requirements and supported features. Certain features require additional hardware. It is also recommend that you visit your PC’s manufacturer’s website for information about updated drivers and hardware compatibility. Your PC must have 9 GB of free...
Installation and Upgrade
Enable or Disable Show window contents while dragging in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off Show window contents while dragging for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Windows will show window contents while dragging by default. If you like, you can turn off Show window contents while dragging to only show window outline while dragging. Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-2000-server/cc978609(v=technet.10) Option One: Turn On or Off Show window contents while dragging in Visual Effects Performance Options Option Two: Turn On or Off Show window contents while dragging using REG file EXAMPLE: "Show window contents while dragging" turned off Turn On or Off Show window contents while dragging in Visual Effects...
Enable or Disable Translucent Selection Rectangle on Desktop in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off show translucent selection rectangle on the desktop for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The translucent selection rectangle is the box you see when you left click and hold, and then drag the pointer over items to select them when you release the left click. If you like, you can turn off showing the translucent selection rectangle on your desktop. When the translucent selection rectangle is turned off for the desktop, you will only see an outline selection rectangle on the desktop instead. This will not affect the translucent selection rectangle in File Explorer. Option One: Turn On or Off Show Translucent Selection Rectangle on Desktop in Visual Effects Performance...
Sign in to Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to sign in to Windows 11 with your account. Having different accounts on a shared PC lets multiple people use the same device, all while giving everyone their own sign-in info, plus access to their own files, browser favorites, and desktop settings. You can add a local user account (an offline account) or Microsoft account for a user to sign in to the PC with. When a user signs in to Windows, the system loads their profile. Because each user has a unique user account, this allows multiple users to share a computer. When a user signs in, the desktop settings, files, favorites, and history they see are theirs; they cannot be accessed by other users. When that user signs out, their profile is preserved...
Expand or Collapse Group in File Explorer in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to expand or collapse groups in File Explorer for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. In Windows, you can change the group by view of a folder in File Explorer to have all items in the folder grouped by the name, date, date modified, size, type, total size (build 22494), and more file detail you want, and have all items in the folder arranged in ascending (alphabetical ) or descending order. When you have a folder's contents in groups, you can expand (show) or collapse (hide) a group or all groups in the opened folder window. Option One: Expand or Collapse Group using Keyboard Shortcut Option Two: Expand or Collapse Group using Group Arrow Option Three: Expand or Collapse Group using Double...

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