
Windows 11 tutorials, tricks, tips, and guides.
Open Apps on Taskbar in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you different ways to navigate and open apps that are currently open or pinned to the taskbar in Windows 11. The center of the taskbar will show the icon of an app for any window you have open. You can pin an app to the taskbar to always show the app's icon on the taskbar whether the app is open or not. Option One: Open Apps on Taskbar using Click/Tap Option Two: Open Apps on Taskbar using Win+T Keyboard Shortcut Option Three: Open Apps on Taskbar using Win+Number Keyboard Shortcut Option Four: Open Apps on Taskbar using Arrow Keys Option Five: Open Apps on Taskbar using First Letter Navigation Open Apps on Taskbar using Click/Tap 1 Click/tap on the icon of an app on the taskbar you want to open. (see...
Create Drive Shortcut using Volume ID in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to create a drive shortcut using its unique volume ID to access the drive in Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you removed the drive letter of a volume to hide it so the drive doesn't show under File Explorer > This PC, this shortcut makes it possible to still open and access the drive as usual even though it doesn't have a drive letter assigned to it. EXAMPLE: Drive unique ID shortcut opening drive without a drive letter Here's How: 1 Open Windows Terminal, and select either Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt. 2 Copy and paste the command below into Windows Terminal, and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 3) Windows PowerShell Get-Volume | Format-List -Property...
Enable or Disable Microsoft Accounts in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the ability to add and/or sign in to the PC with Microsoft accounts in Windows 10 and Windows 11. You can set the Accounts: Block Microsoft accounts security policy to: Users can’t add Microsoft accounts = Users will not be able to add new Microsoft accounts on the computer, switch a local account to a Microsoft account, or connect a domain account to a Microsoft account. Users will still be able to sign in to Windows with existing Microsoft accounts. Users can’t add or log on with Microsoft accounts = In addition to the above, users will not be able to sign in to Windows with existing Microsoft accounts. Users will only be able to sign in to Windows with a local account...
Enable or Disable Microsoft Defender SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off Microsoft Defender SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge for your account or all users in Windows 11. Microsoft Defender SmartScreen protects against phishing or malware websites and applications, and the downloading of potentially malicious files. Microsoft Defender SmartScreen helps protect your device from malicious sites and downloads while you browse the web in Microsoft Edge. You can turn on or off Microsoft Defender SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge if wanted in Windows 11. On = Warns users that sites and downloads are potentially dangerous but allows the action to continue while running in Microsoft Edge. Off = Turns off Microsoft Defender SmartScreen, so a user isn't alerted or...
Browsers and Mail
Add "Find Empty Folders" context menu in Windows 11 and Windows 10
This tutorial will show you how to add a Find Empty Folders context menu for all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. You can right click on folder, folder background, drive, or drive background and click/tap on Find Empty Folders to list the full path of all empty folders found within the selected folder or drive. The Find Empty Folders context menu makes it easier to find empty folders to delete if wanted. This context menu does not delete the empty folders. It only finds them for you. While you must be signed in as an administrator to add or remove the context menu, all users can use the context menu. EXAMPLE: "Find Empty Folders" context menu and command output In Windows 11, you will need to click/tap on Show more options first...
Add "Find and Delete Empty Folders" context menu in Windows 11 and Windows 10
This tutorial will show you how to add a Find and Delete Empty Folders with approval context menu for all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. You can right click on folder, folder background, drive, or drive background and click/tap on Find and Delete Empty Folders to Y/N approve deleting any empty folders found within the selected folder or drive. When you use the Find and Delete Empty Folders context menu, you will need to type Y (delete) or N (don't delete) and press Enter for each empty folder found for what you want. When you have finished answering Y/N for all empty folders found, the terminal window will automatically close. You can also just close the terminal window at anytime to cancel answering Y/N for all remaining empty...
Rebuild Font Cache in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to rebuild the font cache to repair it in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The font cache is a file or set of files used by Windows to manage and display the fonts installed on your PC so they load faster. Sometimes the font cache may become corrupted and cause fonts to be garbled, not rendering properly, or displaying invalid characters. To fix the font cache corruption, you will need to delete the old font cache and restart the computer afterwards to rebuild a new font cache. You must be signed in as an administrator to rebuild the font cache. Here's How: 1 Click/tap on the download button below to download the Rebuild_Font_Cache.bat file...
Add or Remove iCloud Photos in Photos app in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to add or remove iCloud Photos on the left navigation pane in Photos app for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The Microsoft Photos app included in Windows is a rich media experience that empowers you to do more with your photos and videos. View, organize, and share photos from your PC, OneDrive, iCloud Photos and other devices all from one gallery. iCloud Photos is directly integrated into the Photos app on Windows 10/11. This iCloud Photos integration will make it easier for those with an iPhone to have direct access to all their memories in one organized place. To bring your iCloud Photos into the Photos app, make sure your Photos app is updated and then install the iCloud for Windows app...
Enable or Disable Auto Adjust Video Brightness Based on Lighting in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off automatically adjust video playback brightness based on lighting for your account in Windows 11. Windows 11 includes a video viewing mode designed to improve the visibility of your video when you are in a very bright environment. This feature uses the light sensor (if available) on your device to detect your ambient light, and automatically adjusts your video brightness accordingly. If you device doesn't have a light sensor, then you will not have the Adjust video based on lighting around me setting available. Option One: Turn On or Off Auto Adjust Video Brightness Based on Lighting in Settings Option Two: Turn On or Off Auto Adjust Video Brightness Based on Lighting using REG file...
Sign out of Windows 11
This tutorial will show you different ways to sign out of your account or other users in Windows 11. When you sign out of Windows, all your open windows and apps are closed, but the computer is not turned off. Another user can sign in without needing to restart the computer. References: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/user-account-access-in-windows-8f1f3c05-e479-4e9a-666b-90091d052aaf https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/sign-out-of-windows-346925bb-024c-cd86-7a53-9066242a9ed3 Option One: Sign out of your Account from Start Menu Option Two: Sign out of your Account from Win+X Quick Link Menu Option Three: Sign out of your Account from Alt+F4 Shut Down Windows Dialog Option Four: Sign out of your Account from...
Turn On or Off Show Accent Color on Title Bars and Windows Borders in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off show accent color on title bars and windows borders for your account in Windows 11. Windows 11 gives you the option to personalize the color and accent color of a variety of surfaces you see when you use Windows. You can personalize the colors that appear in Windows and your apps by setting the mode to Dark, Light, or Custom. The Dark mode has a darker set of colors and is designed to work well in a low-lit environment. The Light mode setting has a lighter color scheme across the Start menu, taskbar, Quick Settings, and notification center. It works well during daylight hours. If you choose the Light mode, you’ll be able to show an accent color for window title bars and borders. You...
Change Default Folder to Save Screenshots by Snipping Tool app in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to change the default folder that screenshots are automatically saved to by the Snipping Tool app for your account in Windows 11. Starting with Snipping Tool app (version 11.2408.13.0 and newer) to Windows Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channels, Microsoft introduces the ability to change the folder that original screenshots and screen recordings are automatically saved to. Screenshots taken by the Snipping Tool are temporarily cached in the %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.ScreenSketch_8wekyb3d8bbwe\TempState folder for the current user. Screenshots by the Snipping Tool are automatically saved to the C:\Users\<username>\Pictures\Screenshots folder for your account by default. Here's How: 1 Open...

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