Recent content by MitchInHome

  1. I turned on my Laptop and,

    This AM about Chrome and UBlock - Google turned off uBlock in Chrome, but you can still enable it, here is how
  2. Update failing for 2022-07 Cumulative Update Preview for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 11 for x64 (KB5015732)

    Maybe has something to do with it being a preview ? I personally don't trust a preview :unsure:
  3. Rtx 3060 random restarts

    I'm running an RTX 3060 GPU with driver update on Jan 30 2025 572.16 and all is good here
  4. Why is windows not removing the apps when I uninstall them

    In the future use Revo Uninstaller it's free, does a great job;-)
  5. How to i finally get rid of Edge!

    Not everything but Winaero Tweaker does the job for me - disabled lots of annoyances ;-)
  6. Solved File Explorer very slow - always "working on it"

    I've got he same problem, been going on for 1 year. Never figured out why or which update caused this. I was hoping the 24H2 release would fix it but nope, same thing. :mad::rolleyes:
  7. Odd update sequence for both 23H2 and 24H2. Anybody else encounter this?

    I too had this happen this AM today, I was on 23H2 What's strange is I used our resident aliens tutorial option # 2 ( Specify Target Feature Update Version in Windows 11 Tutorial ) on Sunday Oct 20 because I've read about the problem(s) others have encountered and thought I would wait till...
  8. If Macrium Reflect X is too expensive, what will you switch to?

    A Macrium user for almost 10 years here - I'm not voting. I'm sticking with V8. Reflect X is over four-times what I spent before - something I can not afford. NOT real happy with the Macrium brain trust :mad: A thanks to Kelper for this opportunity to vent
  9. Firefox can't log in

    One site for me also - disabled but it did not fix the problem for me :mad:
  10. Firefox can't log in

    I too have been battling this problem with FF Hope they take note and fix this ......... SO frustrating :mad:
  11. Programs Still Loading at Startup (Even Though Disabled)

    For Microsoft Edge I use Winaero Tweaker Winaero Tweaker - Works great ;-)
  12. PC asks for password

    Really great links - Thanks - I have to leave my mark so I can find this thread in my postings
  13. Microsoft officially confirms "Windows 11 LTSC 2024" as the 24H2 release alongside KMS

    A BIG Thanks to you that's a GREAT extension ;-)
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