Lenovo tech support should be able to provide more answers. Have you updated all your drivers to their latest version from Lenovo official website? You could start by figuring out what WiFi card is installed inside this laptop. If it isn't a card from Intel, then you could always consider trying to remove the card (assuming you know how to do that without breaking anything─and also assuming you have both the time and patience required to open up the laptop). If the S3 works correctly after the card has been removed, that's when you'll know what to do next... If it turns out that it still doesn't, you can still always just put the card back in. Either way, I would contact Lenovo about it first, and, if they're not willing to help you out, and they are persistent about that, then maybe, start rubbing them the wrong way on social media (or go all John Wick Chapter 4 on them if needed, lol). At least give the guys a proper chance to resolve this.