Oh, don't get me wrong - I was fully hyped for this game for lots of years. And I'll be the first to admit - the devs dropped the ball massively when releasing the game. It was clunky, and there were too many problems.
1.23 works 10x to 20x times better on my system than the original release. And when it was first released, I didn't have a 4K monitor either, so I was playing on a 1080p monitor, which was not taxing my measly GTX 970 GPU very much.
Now, I'm rendering at 2560 * 1440 and displaying on a 4K screen (3840 * 2160 with HDR enabled) and the game is tons smoother than when rendered and played at 1920 * 1080 with no HDR. With that very same GTX 970. My entiore rig was built last year, and it's the same rig, with the exception of hte 4K monitor, that it was when Cyberpunk came was released. Oh, well, I was also runnign Windows 10, not 11, but ....
But, like you, when it came out, it was the only game I played for at least a couple of months. Hence my pretty quick run through the entire game.
I do love the game, even with all of its issues and some idiosyncrasies. I still, occasionally, get the "V standing up on top of the vehicle" bug when driving insanely fast through the city, but now only in one area, I think - before it was any time in multiple areas of the city lol. It was comical, but also annoying AF. Other minor things, too.
Control, a game I recently focused my attention on because of the 4K panel testing, though, had some issues of its own. Sometimes, rendering at 1920 * 1080 and upscaling to 3840 * 2160 works better, and sometimes rendering at 2560 * 1440 and upscaling works better. Normally, if I am in game and it starts to lag badly, I switch from whichever rendering res I'm currently using to the other and it works fine. Unfortunately, the 970 is woefully underpowered to handle true 4k rendering, but I hope to have a fix for that within a year or so.
Forza Horizon 4 renders beautifully at 4K, and has no hiccups during game play in solo - I haven't really played mp yet, as I just started the game last week after getting my super 2 months for $2 deal from XBGP.
Everything else I have right now is just being used for testing this 4K panel. Otherwise, I'd normally be playing Skyrim or Mass Effect 3. I made a post over at 10F (tenforums) where I listed the various gameplay hours I'd put into my top 5 or 10 games. Mass Effect 3 won by a landslide - I have over ... 1000? hours (yep, just checked - 1057) put into that game lol. I now have the Legendary edition of the trilogy, but I've only made it about 20-25% into ME1 Legendary Edition - I'm trying to create a single character to play through all three sequentially, something I've never been able to do.
And I have much less time now. My teaching duties have increased to 3 different classes. Gotta keep the lights on.