That Lian Li case comes with no fans.
I think that you've been given a
Thermaltake package. 3 fans plus a controller. There's a manual for download, although it's not the clearest.
It appears to be intended for use on a 360 mm radiator, but that's not a problem. There are two types of screws that you pictured: long ones for mounting the fan to a radiator, four short ones for mounting a fan to a case. They didn't give you 3 sets of each?
The fans plug into the controller. The controller is commanded off a USB connection from the motherboard. (I imagine that you have a free 9 pin USB header.) It gets its power from a Molex connector. That's the old 4 pin type, as used to power PATA (aka IDE) drives. Does your PSU have such a power cable? If not, you'd need a cheap SATA to Molex adapter.
I'm a little surprised that the fan controller has no connection to a motherboard fan header, but that's OK.
The page doesn't give a link for the software needed to control the fans. The manual says "TT RGB Plus", which is
The fans blow away from the side with the TT logo. (The TT log would be mounted down, assuming that you want those fans to blow into the case.)
I hope that all makes sense to you.