The only problem OneDrive has is people's FUD
No, at least not for me. I'm in no way afraid of it. There are reasons besides FUD Onedrive might not work for some. As I've said many times, not everyone is able to have fast, dependable internet. Speaking for myself, mine is down almost as much as it is up. We don't all have multiple provider options available with multiple plans. If we do, we have to settle for the slowest plan because faster speeds are too expensive. (One of the woes of both living in the sticks and being on a fixed income)
Also, I don't have a fondness for Onedrive. I don't like it. Googledrive is better since you can selectively sync folders. Do I have some things on Onedrive. Yes I do, but it's stuff I've
chosen to put there.
What about cases where the user has more data than they have onedrive space... Which is often since 5 gb is not much when a little old grandmother has lots of photos of her grandchildren. (and no, I don't want to hear about the 100gb included with 365. The grandmother would never use 365)Should this grandmother have to buy more storage when she has a lot of unused storage on her own hard drive? Maybe she has unused cloud storage elsewhere she'd prefer using. Yet, she's not given a
Most importantly, one's files belong to the user. One should be able to store them where he wants without having to jump through hoops to do it. I think most people's main objection is not FUD, but about
choice. I've already jumped through my hoops, I knew how. But my new enlightenment about Home users no longer being given a
choice since 22h2 is wrong any way you look at it. Most are novice users . They have no idea their files are no longer on their hard drive. What's more they have no idea how to get them there.
Just because some here are Onedrive fanboys does not make it right for everyone. It's easy for us to forget we are not mainstream users. Even if one is afflicted with FUD, he has as much right to fear or doubt the cloud as people here do to trust and embrace it.
Microsoft is just wrong. Another poster mentioned a lawsuit. Usually, I can see validity in most of what MS does, but not in this. I truly hope someone will sue MS and win. In fact, I hope there will be a class action suit and the settlement be HUGE.