Ummmmmm, I can't even understand him. . . . Sorry, but I can't
He talks about static electricity and how it builds up between different fabrics.
Like you can rub a party balloon against your hair and then put it on a wall and it sticks... also you might have noticed when stepping out from a car, you get a tiny electric shock when you grab the door frame.
I have this problem especially in my Jeep Grand Cherokee.. i always get an electric shock when i step out if i have certain clothes on.
But i have a trick for stop it from happening in my car... Perhaps that will work for you too
I mix water and fabric softeners
(a bit higher mix ratio then you use in the washing machine if your mom does the laundry then she knows the mix ratio) and i mix that in a water mister spray bottle you use for flowers and window washing..
Then i spray my car carpet around where i have my feet and around the car seat and on the car seat where sit, with that fabric softener mix, just so it get a tiny moist/moisturized and then i let it dry.
and that stops me from getting electric shocks by my car every time i get out of the car.
I have to do it around every 6-10weeks depending on the weather.
fabric softeners have a anti-static properties to textiles.