so that is why i asked howards forums also there just may be some setting on the phone or an app that fixes this. or in the phone developer mode that fixes that and forces the phone to send out the photos in last taken and larger icons. it is a long shot at best. but i believe it is in windows as the wifes phone and 3 other phones i have on the shelf do this.
The only explanation I have for other phones opening in something other than tiles view, by default, is that they are older phones that mount as a regular USB drive instead of PTP/File transfer mode.
The default view for phones cannot be changed, other than the one trick to force phones (and all other folders that share the General Items folder type GUID) to open in the same basic view mode (list, details, icons) as the General Items view. In your case, using that trick, you would have to set the default General Items view to large icons, but the sort order would still be ignored.
As others have noted, Explorer forgets the view and sort options you've set for a phone folder if the contents change. For example, if I take a new photo, the view for DCIM\Camera reverts to default, if I take a new screenshot on the phone, the view for Pictures\Screenshots reverts to default.
Unfortunately, the PTP/File transfer mode just doesn't allow for locking down the views the way you want them.