
Windows 11 tutorials, tricks, tips, and guides.
Enable or Disable AutoPlay for Non-volume Devices in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable AutoPlay for non-volume devices for all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. AutoPlay lets you choose an action for different kinds of media when you plug in a device or insert media. You can set AutoPlay to open different kinds of content, such as photos, music, and video on different kinds of media, such as drives, CDs, DVDs, cameras, and phones. For example, you can use AutoPlay to select an app that will automatically open photos on a removable drive when you plug it into your PC. With AutoPlay, you don't have to open the same app or reselect preferences every time you plug in a certain device. When the Shell detects the insertion of new media or the attachment of a hot-plug...
Turn On or Off AutoPlay in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off AutoPlay for all media and devices in your account in Windows 11. AutoPlay lets you choose an action for different kinds of media when you plug in a device or insert media. You can set AutoPlay to open different kinds of content, such as photos, music, and video on different kinds of media, such as drives, CDs, DVDs, cameras, and phones. For example, you can use AutoPlay to select an app that will automatically open photos on a removable drive when you plug it into your PC. With AutoPlay, you don't have to open the same app or reselect preferences every time you plug in a certain device. When the Shell detects the insertion of new media or the attachment of a hot-plug device, the...
Turn On or Off Windows Update Delivery Optimization in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off allow downloads from other PCs for Delivery Optimization in Windows 11. Windows Update Delivery Optimization helps you get Windows updates and Microsoft Store apps more quickly and reliably. Windows Update Delivery Optimization works by letting you get Windows updates and Microsoft Store apps from sources in addition to Microsoft, like other PCs on your local network, or PCs on the internet that are downloading the same files. Delivery Optimization also sends updates and apps from your PC to other PCs on your local network or PCs on the internet, based on your settings. Sharing this data between PCs helps reduce the internet bandwidth that’s needed to keep more than one device up to...
Windows Update
Delete Services in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to delete a service in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Services are an application type that runs in the system background without a user interface. Services provide core operating system features (such as printing, networking, remote access, File Explorer, Windows Search, updates, etc.) and apps to operate as intended. Sometimes you may need to delete a service. For example, when installed software doesn't uninstall properly, and leaves its service in the Services list. You must be signed in as an administrator to delete a service. Option One: Delete Service in Command Prompt Option Two: Delete Service in Registry Editor Delete Service in Command Prompt 1 Open the Services console (services.msc). 2...
Turn On or Off OneDrive Run at Startup in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off start OneDrive automatically at sign in for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The options in this tutorial are no longer available for OneDrive. You can now just turn on/off OneDrive in Startup Apps settings below: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/enable-or-disable-startup-apps-in-windows-11.699/ With OneDrive, you can sync files and folders between your computer and the cloud, so you can get to your files from anywhere - your computer, your mobile device, and even through the OneDrive website at OneDrive.com. If you add, change, or delete a file or folder in your OneDrive folder, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted on the OneDrive website and vice versa. You can...
Show Clock on All Taskbars on All Displays in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to use ElevenClock to show a clock on all taskbars on all displays in Windows 11. In Windows 11, the main taskbar is the taskbar with the clock and taskbar corner icons on it, and is on your main display. The taskbars that show on the other displays not set as your main display, do not have the clock and taskbar corner icons on them by default. Starting with Windows 11 22000.527, the clock and date will show on the taskbars of other monitors when you connect other monitors to your device. You can use the free program ElevenClock on GitHub to have a taskbar clock for secondary taskbars on Windows 11. ElevenClock is a simple app which provides the same functionality as in windows 10 secondary taskbar...
Enable or Disable Pause Updates Feature in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the pause updates feature of Windows Update for Windows 11. Windows Update keeps Windows 11 updated by automatically downloading and installing the latest updates, drivers, and hotfixes released by Microsoft. If you have a Windows Insider build of Windows 11 installed, you can only pause updates for a maximum of 1 week (7 days) by default until updates automatically resume. If you do not have a Windows Insider build of Windows 11 installed, you can pause updates for a maximum of up to 5 weeks (35 days) by default until updates automatically resume. Some updates, like Microsoft Defender definition updates, will continue to be installed. When updates resume, your device will need...
Windows Update
Start, Stop, and Restart Services in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to start, stop, or restart services in Windows 11. Services are an application type that runs in the system background without a user interface. Services provide core operating system features (such as printing, networking, remote access, File Explorer, Windows Search, updates, etc.) and apps to operate as intended. Usually, Windows does a great job of automatically managing services, but sometimes you may need to manually start, stop, or restart a service on demand. You must be signed in as an administrator to start, stop, or restart services. You will not be able to start a disabled service until you enable the service. Option One: Start, Stop, or Restart Services in Services Console Option Two...
Change Copy Name Extension in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to change the default Copy name extension template to what you want for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. When you copy a file or folder to the same location, a copy of that file or folder will be created with the - Copy extension added at the end of the filename by default. This will only affect copies you create afterwards, and will not affect copies that already have the - Copy file name extension. Option One: Change Copy Name Extension Option Two: Restore Default Copy Name Extension EXAMPLE: Default and custom "- Copy" file name extension option1Change Copy Name Extension 1 Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe). step22 Navigate to the key below in the left pane of Registry Editor...
Change Shortcut Name Extension in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to change the - Shortcut extension being added to the filename of newly created shortcuts for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. When you right click or press and hold on a file, folder, or drive and click tap on either Show more options > Create shortcut or Send to -> Desktop (create shortcut), a shortcut to that file, folder or drive will be created with the - Shortcut extension added at the end of the filename by default. This will only affect new shortcuts you create afterwards, and will not affect shortcuts that already have the - Shortcut filename extension. Option One: Change Shortcut Name Extension Option Two: Restore Default Shortcut Name Extension EXAMPLE: Default "- Shortcut"...
Change Default Location in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to set or change the default location for your Windows 11 device for your account. Microsoft operates a location service that helps determine the precise geographic location of your Windows device. The precise location of your device allows apps to give you directions, show shops and restaurants that are near you, and more. Many apps and services request location information from your device, and the Windows location service gives you control over which apps are allowed to access your precise location. Location services is a device-wide setting that can be controlled by the device administrator. When turned on, it enables certain Windows features—such as auto-setting the time zone or Find my device—to...
Privacy and Security
Clear Default Location in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to clear the default location for your Windows 11 device for your account. Microsoft operates a location service that helps determine the precise geographic location of your Windows device. The precise location of your device allows apps to give you directions, show shops and restaurants that are near you, and more. Many apps and services request location information from your device, and the Windows location service gives you control over which apps are allowed to access your precise location. Location services is a device-wide setting that can be controlled by the device administrator. When turned on, it enables certain Windows features—such as auto-setting the time zone or Find my device—to function...
Privacy and Security

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