
Windows 11 tutorials, tricks, tips, and guides.
Enable or Disable Simultaneously Resize Adjacent Snapped window in Windows 11
The When I resize a snapped window, simultaneously resize any adjacent snapped window setting in this tutorial is no longer available. It is now always enabled by default without this setting to toggle on or off. The Snap windows feature in Windows allows you to automatically resize and arrange windows on your screen. When you resize a snapped window, it will simultaneously resize any adjacent snapped window by default. This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable simultaneously resize any adjacent snapped window for your account in Windows 11. Option One: Enable or Disable Simultaneously Resize any Adjacent Snapped window in Settings Option Two: Enable or Disable Simultaneously Resize any Adjacent Snapped window using...
Turn On or Off Snap windows in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off Snap windows for your account in Windows 11. The Snap windows feature in Windows 11 allows you to automatically resize and arrange windows on your screen. References: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/snap-your-windows-885a9b1e-a983-a3b1-16cd-c531795e6241 https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2015/06/04/arrange-your-windows-in-a-snap/ Starting with Windows 11 build 22563, Microsoft has made it even easier to snap the most relevant windows next to each other side by side by introducing Microsoft Edge tabs as suggested windows in snap assist. When a window is snapped, you will now see 3 of your most recent Edge tabs shown (by default) as suggestions. Starting with Windows...
Change Size of Columns Width for Folder in Windows 11 File Explorer
This tutorial will show you how to change the size of columns width for a folder in File Explorer for your account in Windows 11. When you are using a details layout view for a folder, all items in the folder will be displayed by details in columns. You can change the width of specific or all columns to fit the content how you like. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/topic/how-to-change-column-settings-in-windows-explorer-7a6e06e5-85fe-62d5-c9a3-eed515e52aee Option One: "Size Column to Fit" in Folder Option Two: "Size All Columns to Fit" in Folder Option Three: Drag to Change Width of Selected Columns in Folder Option Four: Change Width of Selected Columns in Pixels in Folder EXAMPLE: Before and after "Size all...
Increase Folder View Settings Cache Memory Size in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to change or increase the folder view settings cache memory size for your account in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11 to have Windows remember more of your folder view settings. You can change the folder view settings in Windows to what you want for each separate folder. Folder view settings include the File Explorer window size, template, column width, Group by, Sort by, and layout view of items in each folder. By default, Windows will only remember the first 5000 folders you apply folder view settings to. After you reach the default 5000 folders limit (BagMRU Size), Windows will no longer remember anymore folder view settings you apply. Windows stores the folder view settings of the...
Change Folder Sort by View in Windows 11 File Explorer
This tutorial will show you how to change the sort by view of a folder in File Explorer for your account in Windows 11. In Windows 11, you can change the sort by view of a folder in File Explorer to have all items in the folder sorted by the name, date, date modified, size, type, and more file detail you want, and have all items in the folder arranged in ascending (alphabetical ) or descending order. The exact details available for a folder will vary depending on the template the folder is optimized for. Each separate folder will remember its sort by view as set when last closed. Home and Gallery in File Explorer do not have the Sort by option available. It is grayed out. Option One: Change Folder Sort by View from File Explorer...
Change Folder Layout View in Windows 11 File Explorer
This tutorial will show you how to change the layout view of a folder in File Explorer for your account in Windows 11. In Windows 11, you can change the layout view of a folder in File Explorer to show all items in the folder with a extra large icons, large icons, medium icons, small icons, list, details, tiles, or content layout. Each separate folder will remember its layout view as set when last closed. Option One: Change Folder Layout View using a Scroll Wheel Option Two: Change Folder Layout View using Keyboard Shortcut Option Three: Change Folder Layout View from File Explorer Toolbar Option Four: Change Folder Layout View from File Explorer Command Bar Option Five: Change Folder Layout View from Context Menu EXAMPLE...
View Storage Usage of Drive in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to view the storage usage of local storage drives in Windows 11. Storage usage lets you see how your storage is used on a drive and how you can free up space. Option One: View Storage Usage of Drive in File Explorer Option Two: View Storage Usage of Drive in Settings View Storage Usage of Drive in File Explorer 1 Open This PC in File Explorer (Win+E). 2 Right click or press and hold on any local drive, and click/tap on Properties. (see screenshot below) 3 In the General tab, click/tap on the Details or Storage usage button. (see screenshots below) 4 You will now see how storage is being used on this specific drive. You can click/tap on each usage item for any available options to manage...
Enable or Disable Storage Sense in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable Storage Sense to automatically free up system drive space for all users in Windows 10 and Windows11. Storage Sense can automatically free up drive space for you by getting rid of items that you don't need, like temporary files and items in your Recycle Bin. Storage Sense is off by default. If your PC runs into low disk space and you have not interacted with Storage Sense in the past, Windows may turn on Storage Sense to manage select temporary files, then notify you. If you prefer, you can choose to turn Storage Sense off right away or after the low disk state is resolved. If Storage Sense is turned on with the default settings, it will run when your device is low on disk space and...
Turn On or Off Storage Sense in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off Storage Sense to automatically free up system drive space for your account in Windows 11. Storage Sense can automatically free up drive space for you by getting rid of items that you don't need, like temporary files and items in your Recycle Bin. Storage Sense is off by default. If your PC runs into low disk space and you have not interacted with Storage Sense in the past, Windows may turn on Storage Sense to manage select temporary files, then notify you. If you prefer, you can choose to turn Storage Sense off right away or after the low disk state is resolved. If Storage Sense is turned on with the default settings, it will run when your device is low on disk space and will clean up...
Add and Remove Microsoft, Work, or School Accounts used to sign in by other apps in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to add and remove accounts used by other apps to sign in with for your account in Windows 11. Windows 11 makes it easy to add the Microsoft accounts or Work or school accounts you use for your apps in one place so you can sign in to your favorite apps easier and faster. When you add an account in this central location in Settings, that account will be a listed account available to select to sign in to an app with. This can be handy so you no longer have to manually add the account for each individual app you want to sign in to with it. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-or-remove-accounts-on-your-pc-104dc19f-6430-4b49-6a2b-e4dbd1dcdf32 If you sign in to Windows 11 with a...
Restart Start Menu Process in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to restart the StartMenuExperienceHost.exe process to restart the Start menu as needed for your account in Windows 11. The Start menu is comprised of three sections: Pinned, All apps, and Recommended. The Start menu contains shortcuts of all your apps, settings, and files. Microsoft separated the Start menu into its own process, called StartMenuExperienceHost.exe. This has a number of benefits, including simplifying debugging and insulating Start from potential issues impacting other surfaces. This will allow you restart the Start menu as needed without having to restart the explorer.exe process. Restarting the StartMenuExperienceHost.exe process can be helpful if the Start menu will not open, frozen...
Switch to Microsoft Account from Local Account in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to switch to a Microsoft account from a local account to sign in to Windows 11 with instead. You can sign in to Windows 11 with a local account or a Microsoft account. However, you can easily switch between using a local account or a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows 11. When you switch to a Microsoft account from a local account, your account will still use the same profile folder. It will not affect the name of your account's profile folder name. Signing in to Windows 11 with a Microsoft account lets you: Download apps from the Microsoft Store. Get your online content in Microsoft apps automatically. Sync settings online to make PCs look and feel the same - like your browser history, account...

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