
Windows 11 tutorials, tricks, tips, and guides.
Enable or Disable Show App Names on Navigation Bar in Outlook for Windows
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off showing app names on the navigation bar in Outlook for Windows for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The new Outlook for Windows brings the latest features, intelligent assisted capabilities and a new modern and simplified design to your Outlook app. You can tailor it to your style and do more with new Outlook for Windows. The navigation bar on the left side of Outlook for Windows shows the icons of your pinned Microsoft 365 apps. Outlook doesn't show app names on the navigation pane by default, but you can turn this on to show app names under the icons if wanted. EXAMPLE: Turn on/off "Show app names" on navigation bar in Outlook for Windows Here's How: 1 Open the...
Browsers and Mail
Enable or Disable Colorful App Icons on Navigation Bar in Outlook for Windows
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off using colorful app icons on the navigation bar in Outlook for Windows for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The new Outlook for Windows brings the latest features, intelligent assisted capabilities and a new modern and simplified design to your Outlook app. You can tailor it to your style and do more with new Outlook for Windows. The navigation bar on the left side of Outlook for Windows shows the icons of your pinned Microsoft 365 apps. Outlook uses colorful app icons on the navigation pane by default, but you can turn this off to show black and white app icons instead. EXAMPLE: Turn on/off "Use colorful app icons" on navigation bar in Outlook for Windows Here's How...
Browsers and Mail
Restore Default Services in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to restore missing or messed up default services in Windows 11. Services are an application type that runs in the system background without a user interface. Services provide core operating system features (such as printing, networking, remote access, File Explorer, Windows Search, updates, etc.) and apps to operate as intended. Startup Type for services Automatic - A service in this state will start at boot time. Some services, when no longer required, will also automatically stop when not needed. If you find you do not need a service, place it into Manual or Disabled. Automatic (Delayed Start) - A service in this state will start just after boot time. Some services, when no longer required, will also...
Unlock Locked Out Account in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to unlock a locked out local account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Someone who attempts to use more than a few unsuccessful passwords while trying to log on to your system might be a malicious user who is attempting to determine an account password by trial and error. Windows domain controllers keep track of logon attempts, and domain controllers can be configured to respond to this type of potential attack by disabling the account for a preset period of time. Account Lockout Policy settings control the threshold for this response and the actions to be taken after the threshold is reached. The Account lockout threshold policy setting determines the number of failed sign-in attempts that will cause a...
Delete Passkey for App or Website in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to delete passkeys saved for apps and websites on your Windows 11 device. Microsoft believes that the future is passwordless. Passkeys will allow you to replace passwords when you sign into a web site or application that supports them. Passkeys represent a future where bad actors will have a much harder time stealing and using your credentials when signing into a web site or application. Passkeys are phish-resistant, recoverable, and faster for users. Enroll and use passkey to sign into apps and websites: Microsoft is improving the passkey experience for Windows users. You can now go to any app or website that supports passkeys to create and sign in using passkeys with the Windows Hello native...
Enable or Disable Apps Access to Microphone in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to allow or deny apps access to the microphone for your account or all users in Windows 11. Many apps and services request and use the microphone, and Windows settings give you control over which apps can use your microphone. You can choose which apps can access the microphone. When your microphone is in use, a microphone icon will be displayed in the notification area of the taskbar system tray. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-camera-microphone-and-privacy-a83257bc-e990-d54a-d212-b5e41beba857 Option One: Turn On or Off Microphone Access for All Users in Settings Option Two: Turn On or Off Microphone Access for All Users using REG file Option Three: Turn On or Off...
Privacy and Security
Add or Remove Sites on Sidebar in Microsoft Edge
This tutorial will show you how to add (pin) or remove (unpin) sites on the sidebar in Microsoft Edge for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The Microsoft Edge web browser is based on Chromium and was released on January 15, 2020. It is compatible with all supported versions of Windows, and macOS. With speed, performance, best in class compatibility for websites and extensions, and built-in privacy and security features. Microsoft Edge has a sidebar you can add (pin) any site or webpage to. You can add your current page and/or select a top site to add. References: https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2022/09/01/microsoft-edge-sidebar-multitask-smarter/...
Browsers and Mail
Choose Media Type for Preferred Camera Resolution in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to change the media type to a specific camera resolution for your account in Windows 11. Starting with Windows 11 build 27718 (Canary), Microsoft added a new Advanced camera options section on the Cameras page in Settings. Starting with Windows 11 build 27744 (Canary) and build 26120.2702 (Dev), hidden experimental feature is available that adds the Media type setting in Advanced camera options that will let you choose different media types like resolution and frame rate, with the default setting being “Let Windows Choose” for optimal experience. ⚠️ If you would like to try this experimental feature now, you can enable it using the command below with ViVeTool. vivetool /enable /id:42142480...
Enable or Disable Basic Camera Mode in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off camera basic mode for your account in Windows 11. Starting with Windows 11 build 27758 (Canary) build 26120.2702 (Dev), and build 26100.3323 (24H2), Microsoft added a new Advanced camera options section on the Cameras page in Settings. This includes a new setting for users to turn on or off Turn on basic camera. When turned on, it enables basic camera functionality for improved debugging, recommended as a last resort when your camera is not functioning correctly. This feature was developed in collaboration with Microsoft support agents. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/camera-doesn-t-work-in-windows-32adb016-b29c-a928-0073-53d31da0dad5 Here's How: 1 Open...
Enable or Disable Multiple Apps to Use Camera in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off allowing multiple apps to use camera at the same time for your account in Windows 11. Starting with Windows 11 build 27758 (Canary) build 26120.2702 (Dev), and build 26100.3323 (24H2), Microsoft added a new Advanced camera options section on the Cameras page in Settings. This includes a new setting for users to turn on or off Allow multiple apps to use camera at the same time. When turned on, it allows multiple applications to access the camera stream simultaneously, developed with the Hard-of-Hearing community to enable video streaming to both a sign language interpreter and the end audience at the same time. Here's How: 1 Open Settings (Win+I). 2 Click/tap on Bluetooth & devices...
Enable or Disable Automatic Maintenance to Wake Up Computer in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable allowing Automatic Maintenance to wake up the computer to run scheduled maintenance tasks in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Windows automatically runs scheduled maintenance on a daily schedule when you're not using your computer. This includes tasks such as updates, security scanning, and system diagnostics. This maintenance will run daily if you aren't using your computer at 2 AM by default. If your computer is in use at the scheduled time or maintenance is behind schedule, Automatic Maintenance will run the next time the computer is not being used. You can change the default 2 AM time to run daily maintenance tasks to when you're not using your computer while running or sleeping...
Turn On or Off Archive Apps in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable archive apps for your account or specific accounts in Windows 11. To save storage space and Internet bandwidth, Microsoft Store apps you do not use frequently will be archived automatically. Your files and other data will be saved. The next time you use an archived app, it will connect to the Internet to restore the full version (if it's still available). Option One: Turn On or Off Archive Apps for Current User in Settings Option Two: Turn On or Off Archive Apps for Specific User in Registry Editor Turn On or Off Archive Apps for Current User in Settings 1 Open Settings (Win+I). 2 Click/tap on Apps on the left side, and click/tap on Advanced app settings on the right side...

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