
Windows 11 tutorials, tricks, tips, and guides.
Enable or Disable Disk Write Caching for Internal Storage Devices in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable disk write caching for internal storage devices in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Disk Write Caching for internal storage devices is enabled by default. Write caching improves system performance by allowing Windows to cache disk write operations in system memory until it is written to the disk. This allows the system and apps to run faster by allowing them to continue without waiting on data write requests to be written to the disk. However, a power outage or equipment failure might result in data loss or corruption if not written to the disk from the cache yet. While it's recommended to leave write caching enabled for drives, you can disable write caching for devices if wanted or...
Turn On or Off Voice Typing Launcher in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to to turn on or off voice typing launcher for your account in Windows 11. In Windows 11, dictation has been updated and renamed as voice typing. Like dictation, voice typing uses online speech recognition technologies to power its speech-to-text transcription service. You no longer need to turn on the Online Speech recognition setting to use voice typing. Voice typing allows you to enter text on your PC by speaking. The voice typing launcher lets you quickly access voice typing when your cursor is in a text box. Starting with Windows 11 build 25300, the change to sync voice typing settings, Automatic punctuation and Voice typing launcher, across all devices signed in using the same Microsoft account...
Enable or Disable Storage Sense Cleanup of Temporary Files in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable allow Storage Sense to cleanup temporary files for all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Storage Sense can automatically free up drive space for you by getting rid of items that you don't need, like temporary files and items in your Recycle Bin. Storage Sense is off by default. If your PC runs into low disk space and you have not interacted with Storage Sense in the past, Windows may turn on Storage Sense to manage select temporary files, then notify you. If you prefer, you can choose to turn Storage Sense off right away or after the low disk state is resolved. If Storage Sense is turned on with the default settings, it will run when your device is low on disk space and will...
Hide or Show Widgets in Widget Menu on Game Bar in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to hide or show widgets in the Widget Menu on the Home Bar of the Game Bar screen for your account in Windows 11. You can open the Game Bar to take control of all your favorite gaming activities while playing on your Windows 11 device. The Home Bar is the bar at the top of the Game Bar screen. The Widget Menu on the Home Bar allows you to open installed widgets, and add or remove favorite widgets on the Home Bar. You can choose to hide or show the following widgets in the widgets menu: Xbox Achievements – Track your games’ progress and see what you’ve unlocked. Xbox Chat - Send and receive chat or party chat messages with your friends. Xbox Looking for Group – Use Looking for Group to find players...
Enable or Disable Include Drivers with Windows Updates in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable including drivers with Windows Updates in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Windows Update will include drivers when available in Windows 11 by default. You can enable the Do not include drivers with Windows Updates policy to not include drivers with Windows quality updates. Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/update/waas-wu-settings#do-not-include-drivers-with-windows-updates You must be signed in as an administrator to enable or disable including drivers with Windows Updates. This will still not always prevent drivers for existing devices from getting updated via Windows Update. Option One: Enable or Disable Include Drivers with Windows Updates in Local...
Windows Update
Add Empty Folder context menu in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to add or remove the Empty folder context menu for folders for all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. You can add a Empty folder context menu to permanently delete the file contents of a folder after a one time Y/N confirmation to prevent emptying the folder by mistake. Subfolders and their contents will not be deleted. Only the file contents in a folder you right clicked on will get permanently deleted. While you must be signed in as an administrator to add or remove the context menu, all users can use the context menu. EXAMPLE: Empty folder context menu In Windows 11, you will need to click/tap on Show more options first by default, then click/tap on Empty folder. Here's How: 1 Do step 2...
Enable or Disable Game Bar Compact Mode in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off Game Bar Compact Mode for your account in Windows 11. You can open the Game Bar to take control of all your favorite gaming activities while playing on your Windows 11 device. Compact Mode simplifies Game Bar use, making it more intuitive and easier to navigate on small screens, Windows handhelds, and when playing with a controller. When you open Game Bar with Compact Mode turned on, a single-widget view will be presented where you can access your Xbox gaming activities in one place. If you turn on Game Bar Compact Mode, it will stay turned on whenever you open the Game Bar until turned off. Features of Compact Mode: Navigate with bumpers = When using a controller, you can switch...
View AI Components Installed on Windows 11 PC
This tutorial will show you how to view all AI components installed on your Windows 11 PC. If your Windows 11 device (ex: Copilot+ PC) has a NPU, you will have a System > AI components page in Settings. You can see which AI component updates have been installed in Windows Update history. Here's How: 1 Open Settings (Win+I). 2 Click/tap on System on the left side, and click/tap on AI components on the right side. (see screenshot below) Open AI components Settings 3 You will now see all AI components found installed on your PC. (see screenshot below) That's it, Shawn Brink Check If PC Has a Neural Processing Unit (NPU) in Windows 11
Turn Off BitLocker for Drive in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn off BitLocker for an encrypted drive in Windows 10 and Windows 11. BitLocker Drive Encryption is a data protection feature that integrates with the operating system and addresses the threats of data theft or exposure from lost, stolen, or inappropriately decommissioned drives and computers. You can turn on BitLocker to encrypt the operating system drive (Windows drive), fixed data drives (internal hard drives), and removable data drives (external hard drive or USB flash drive). When you turn off BitLocker for a drive encrypted by BitLocker, it will completely decrypt the drive. It is required to unlock the BitLocker encrypted drive before being able to turn off BitLocker for the drive. You...
Privacy and Security
Run Storage Sense Now in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to manually run Storage Sense on demand in Windows 11. Storage Sense can automatically free up drive space for you by getting rid of items that you don't need, like temporary files and items in your Recycle Bin. If Storage Sense is turned on, you can select to automatically run Storage Sense Every day, Every week, Every month, or During low free disk space (default). You can use Run Storage Sense now to free up drive space on demand. Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/manage-drive-space-with-storage-sense-654f6ada-7bfc-45e5-966b-e24aded96ad5 Here's How: 1 Open Settings (Win+I). 2 Click/tap on System on the left side, and click/tap on Storage on the right side. (see screenshot...
Turn On or Off Auto-unlock for BitLocker Drive in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off auto-unlock for a fixed or removable data drive encrypted by BitLocker for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. BitLocker Drive Encryption is a data protection feature that integrates with the operating system and addresses the threats of data theft or exposure from lost, stolen, or inappropriately decommissioned drives and computers. You can turn on BitLocker or Device Encryption to encrypt the operating system drive (Windows drive), fixed data drives (internal hard drives), and removable data drives (external hard drive or USB flash drive). If BitLocker or Device Encryption has been turned on for the operating system drive, you can set BitLocker to automatically unlock fixed...
Privacy and Security
Enable or Disable Suggested Actions in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off Suggested Actions for your account in Windows 11. Starting with Windows 11 build 22635.4660 (Beta), Suggested actions that appear when you copy a phone number or future date in Windows 11 are now deprecated. With this build, Microsoft is beginning to disable the feature. https://www.elevenforum.com/t/suggested-actions-when-copy-date-time-or-phone-number-now-deprecated-in-windows-11.31407/ Starting with Windows 11 build 25115 and build 22622.290, you can try out a new Suggested Actions feature for making everyday tasks quicker in Windows 11 through inline suggested actions. When you copy a date, time, or phone number, Windows will suggest actions relevant to you such as creating...

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