Not sure we can add those to be honest
@TizianoMad , There are so many more on DeviantArt that the collection has the potential to become huge.
But I could be wrong.

@Lucas North !
Well, his icons are not for sale but it's true it's better to send a link or else to ask permission. He made a rather nice job in the "Windows like" colored ones. You're right, there's plenty more to come soon.
I was thinking about writing to you today anyway !
I think you still really make great designs with icons, but there is just one thing I have to point out. It is really a pity some of your icons are not in the original format (some are too big, some others are not centered) and of course you can spot the difference when they are next to correct sized ones. I apologize if you find me a bit finicky ! I'm a little perfectionist, so that's part of it ! The logos were slightly too big at the beginning but dimensions you are making now are just perfect. Try and keep the right kerning of the edges, shadows and fades. I guess making corrections would take a while, but I think it's worth ! Respecting as much as possible all these points makes a real "pro" look, that the "owner" couldn't do better !
Hope you don't take this bad, you know this stuff already and it is evident you take a lot of time to do this great work. Really not much left to be perfect !
I made a small update on the french forum i'm on, to make it a bit nicer, and to mention
@spettojim who joined the thread for the pleasure of all.
(If you wanna
have a peep, go to middle page).
By the way, I have a few requests (as I did not have the courage to study Illustrator yet !)
3 +1 folders for the Aaz forum (2 logos) :
1 team-aaz with the original blue background from the site (link above) (split the title split in 2, remove "-", donno if you can erase ".com" ?)
1 team-aaz same as above, but only with the letter "T", and another with just "aaz".
1x1 Aaz with circle, background can stay white, maybe with shadowed or darken edges.
1 (or more) for Windows Arium (I let you decide about backgrounds, maybe "metal grey" could be nice)
Here are different sized PNGs for you to chose the best quality for the dimensions you need.
Also, I didn't find much about the giant social medias !
I have many files from Insta & Fb, and nice folders would be useful:
- Instagram: White logo with colored back ground.
- Facebook: keep full logo with circle but with reverse colors.
...and others:
- Telegram: skip circle (plain turquoise blue color)
- Tor: keep full logo with circle but with reverse colors.
- Signal: skip circle (plain blue color)
- Chocolatey : I let you decide !
My thoughts about the Adobe collection : same as Epsilons (1st) Great work. the enlightened one is very nice but does not appear as clear when displayed next to different ones. Glossy can be cool when it's for an entire collection, but it looks strange next to original ones. (glossy and reflections reminds me too much W7 ! but it's just a matter of taste. For sure many people would be interested in them, I think it was a good idea from you to offer both versions for collections)
Take your time for the creation of all these folders, there is no rush.
Thanks a lot,
PS UpDate: actually these requests are my prior preferences, but for sure you are free to try your own combinations and ideas.
I guess for exemple with Facebook, you could try with the circle removed, and also make the "f" blue on white (reverse) but maybe it will remind us the "old" inteface with the square logo. Or not. Donno, you try what you feel. Instagram with the original logo upon white could look cool and minimalist... I have the smaller original choco icon if you need smaller pixel.