1) Identify any Logitech hardware.
2) If available, temporarily use alternative hardware.
3) Uninstall or uninstall and reinstall:
logi_joy_vir_hid Logitech G HUB Virtual HID Device Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\logi_joy_vir_hid.sys
logi_joy_bus_enum Logitech G HUB Virtual Bus Enumerator Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\logi_joy_bus_enum.sys
4) If possible, uninstall all Logitech drivers.
5) Run Tuneup plus > post a share link
6) Create a new restore point.
7) Restart WDV with these customized tests:
[ ] 0x00000001 Special pool.
[ ] 0x00000002 Force IRQL checking.
[ ] 0x00000008 Pool tracking.
[ ] 0x00000020 Deadlock detection.
[ ] 0x00000080 DMA checking.
[ ] 0x00000100 Security checks.
[ ] 0x00000800 Miscellaneous checks.
[ ] 0x00020000 DDI compliance checking.
[ ] 0x00080000 DDI compliance checking (additional).