Need to upgrade wife's PC to allow Windows 11

If someone gave me a brand new PC, or Laptop, new in box, there is one major thing I'd do first thing.

I'd grab my Flash Drive with Windows 11/Pro/64, 24H2 on it, and boot up the new computer with it, and do a Fresh, Clean, Install.

That would get rid of all the MS BS that comes on a new PC.
I've installed enough new PC's for my customers, to know that I never want to deal with a new install of MS Windows, ever again.

That's basically how I upgrade my own PC's, from one (old) version of Windows to a newer one. I NEVER keep any data files on my OS drive, so that is never an issue.

Cheers Mates!
TM :cool:

My Computer

If someone gave me a brand new PC, or Laptop, new in box, there is one major thing I'd do first thing.

I'd grab my Flash Drive with Windows 11/Pro/64, 24H2 on it, and boot up the new computer with it, and do a Fresh, Clean, Install.

That would get rid of all the MS BS that comes on a new PC.
I've installed enough new PC's for my customers, to know that I never want to deal with a new install of MS Windows, ever again.

That's basically how I upgrade my own PC's, from one (old) version of Windows to a newer one. I NEVER keep any data files on my OS drive, so that is never an issue.

Cheers Mates!
TM :cool:
That'll work in most cases but alas, not in all cases. In the case of a proprietary case the case might be that there is also proprietary hardware in that case designed to work specifically with the proprietary operating system licensed from Windows or Gobble by Dell, Lenovo, or Sony or whoever. For example, many of the features that should be working with that proprietary hardware might not function anymore. BUT if that should be the case you probably don't need it anyway. Even so nobody much cares for stuff that doesn't work even if they don't need it. Lenovo got around this by embedding their fishing code in the hardware so that it wouldn't matter how often you pulled their OS and replaced it with another Windows OS, Lenovo spyware was guaranteed to work. Such innovation and dedication is practically unprecedented. We need to see more of this sort of thing on the end user proactive side of life. (Don't hold your breath.)

Ideally one is better off building their own system from scratch but not everyone does this and not everyone is inclined to do it and only a minority of end users actually do this and the numbers are decreasing. Rarely ever does one 'save' money building their own PC. The hobbyist/enthusiast simply cannot compete in the corporate world of affordable components. The real motive for building one's own PC is ownership. Even this option is being threatened by the Big Boyz as they seek to gain further control of the hardware, TPM being a classic example. Anyway, I probably said enough. MageMeister, some things rarely change. People will continue to relinquish rights and freedoms for falsely perceived "securities" time after time. It's human nature.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    WIN 11, WIN 10, WIN 8.1, WIN 7 U, WIN 7 PRO, WIN 7 HOME (32 Bit), LINUX MINT
    Computer type
    DIY, ASUS, and DELL
    Intel i7 6900K (octocore) / AMD 3800X (8 core)
    ASUS X99E-WS USB 3.1
    Graphics Card(s)
    NVIDIA 1070
    Sound Card
    Crystal Sound (onboard)
    Monitor(s) Displays
    single Samsung 30" 4K and 8" aux monitor
    Screen Resolution
    4K and something equally attrocious
    Hard Drives
    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W

    Ports X, Y, and Z are reserved for USB access and removable drives.

    Drive types consist of the following: Various mechanical hard drives bearing the brand names, Seagate, Toshiba, and Western Digital. Various NVMe drives bearing the brand names Kingston, Intel, Silicon Power, Crucial, Western Digital, and Team Group. Various SATA SSDs bearing various different brand names.

    RAID arrays included:

    LSI RAID 10 (WD Velociraptors) 1115.72 GB
    LSI RAID 10 (WD SSDS) 463.80 GB

    INTEL RAID 0 (KINGSTON HYPER X) System 447.14 GB
    SEVERAL. I prefer my Corsair Platinum HX1000i but I also like EVGA power supplies
    ThermalTake Level 10 GT (among others)
    Noctua is my favorite and I use it in my main. I also own various other coolers. Not a fan of liquid cooling.
    all kinds.
    all kinds
    Internet Speed
    360 mbps - 1 gbps (depending)
    KASPERSKY (no apologies)
    Other Info
    I own too many laptops: A Dell touch screen with Windows 11 and 6 others (not counting the other four laptops I bought for this household.) Being a PC builder I own many desktop PCs as well. I am a father of five providing PCs, laptops, and tablets for all my family, most of which I have modified, rebuilt, or simply built from scratch. I do not own a cell phone, never have, never will.

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