SetupFailure stopcode (BSOD) upon updating from 23H2 to 24H2. What failed?

Please advance to post #18, step #5.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 10
    Computer type
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
    Product : 190A Version : KBC Version 94.56
    16 GB Total: Manufacturer : Samsung MemoryType : DDR3 FormFactor : SODIMM Capacity : 8GB Speed : 1600
    Graphics Card(s)
    NVIDIA Quadro K3100M; Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Sound Card
    IDT High Definition Audio CODEC; PNP Device ID HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_76E0
    Hard Drives
    Model Hitachi HTS727575A9E364
    Microsoft Defender
    Other Info
    Mobile Workstation
There's a problem: I've done the chkdsk C: /b /v while rebooting (no other drives will be connected during the update to 24H2), I've recovered the report manually from the Event Viewer (I haven't needed the *.bat but thanks) and it's in Spanish, very bad Spanish with non intelligible parts. I've done an automatic translation into English (using the Google translator) hoping that someone more familiar with the chkdsk's parlance can interpret it. I'm posting here the original Spanish and this translation into English. I've preceded the latter with the following own note:

(translated automaticly from extremely bad Spanish, not always intelligible, by a not perfect tool; I have corrected a few obvious errors, for instance "disco" was translated to "album" instead of "disk"; I fear some of this translation isn't intelligible in English either but, although I understand chkdsk's parlance when I read it, I'm not familiar enough with it to "generate" a genuine chkdsk report in English)

Is this enough or do I change the display language and redo it? The problem I see to this: chkdsk /b /v has done corrections and the report won't be the same, in theory it should be all okay now in the file system.

I've installed and run HDSentinel w/o hassles. Drive F: is a pendrive where I'm storing the files of this, I'll detach it before doing the 24H2 update. I'll also uninstall the tools still installed for these tests, HDTunePro GSmartControl and HDSentinel, unless there's a good reason against.



My Computer

System One

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    Windows 11
Please post a new V2 share link into the newest post.

Windows ha hecho algunas correcciones en el sistema de archivos.

Windows has made some fixes to the file system.
Last edited:

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 10
    Computer type
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
    Product : 190A Version : KBC Version 94.56
    16 GB Total: Manufacturer : Samsung MemoryType : DDR3 FormFactor : SODIMM Capacity : 8GB Speed : 1600
    Graphics Card(s)
    NVIDIA Quadro K3100M; Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Sound Card
    IDT High Definition Audio CODEC; PNP Device ID HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_76E0
    Hard Drives
    Model Hitachi HTS727575A9E364
    Microsoft Defender
    Other Info
    Mobile Workstation
In the middle I've updated the Intel Graphics drivers (at booting I saw a notification about a new update available and I launched "Intel Driver & Support Assistant", what did the install in some few minutes and a reboot, this happens some 3-4 times per year).


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11
Please post a new V2 share link into the newest post using English as the default language.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 10
    Computer type
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
    Product : 190A Version : KBC Version 94.56
    16 GB Total: Manufacturer : Samsung MemoryType : DDR3 FormFactor : SODIMM Capacity : 8GB Speed : 1600
    Graphics Card(s)
    NVIDIA Quadro K3100M; Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Sound Card
    IDT High Definition Audio CODEC; PNP Device ID HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_76E0
    Hard Drives
    Model Hitachi HTS727575A9E364
    Microsoft Defender
    Other Info
    Mobile Workstation
I had forgotten it completely, sorry.

I'm posting two links to the same file because for some unknown reason, Google drive has changed the links from "usp=sharing" to "usp=drive_link" when I tell it to give access to anyone with the link.

"drive_link version of the link" (original one this time for unknown reasons)

"sharing version of the link" (manually returned to what I know it works, I found a page stating that these modifiers can be changed manually)


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11
There are remnants of checkpoint.

1) See if there is a checkpoint uninstaller to clean all remnants.

2) Run through this list of quick fixes:

List of fixes
Here are the step-by-step instructions:

Remove nonessential external hardware, such as docks and USB devices.
Check the system drive for errors and attempt repairs.
Run the Windows Update troubleshooter.
Attempt to restore and repair system files.
Update Windows so that all available recommended updates are installed, and ensure the computer is rebooted if it is necessary to complete installation of an update.
Temporarily uninstall non-Microsoft antivirus software.
Uninstall all nonessential software.
Update firmware and drivers.
Ensure that "Download and install updates (recommended)" is accepted at the start of the upgrade process.
Verify at least 16 GB of free space is available to upgrade a 32-bit OS, or 20 GB for a 64-bit OS.
Remove external hardware
If the computer is portable and it's currently in a docking station, undock the computer.

Unplug nonessential external hardware devices from the computer, such as:

USB flash drives
Portable hard drives
Portable CD/DVD/Blu-ray drives
Media card readers
Smart phones
Secondary monitors, keyboards, mice

3) Create a new folder on the desktop

4) Download to the new folder:

5) Place the computer into clean boot:

6) Perform an in place upgrade repair while in clean boot:

  Log Name: System
  Source: Service Control Manager
  Date: 2024-12-23T01:21:57.2640000Z
  Event ID: 7000
  Task: N/A
  Level: Error
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic,
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: Moderno
The Check Point Sandblast Agent Cipolla service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified.

  Log Name: System
  Source: Service Control Manager
  Date: 2024-12-23T01:21:57.2640000Z
  Event ID: 7001
  Task: N/A
  Level: Error
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic,
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: Moderno
The Check Point Sandblast Agent Updater service depends on the Check Point Sandblast Agent Cipolla service which failed to start because of the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 10
    Computer type
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
    Product : 190A Version : KBC Version 94.56
    16 GB Total: Manufacturer : Samsung MemoryType : DDR3 FormFactor : SODIMM Capacity : 8GB Speed : 1600
    Graphics Card(s)
    NVIDIA Quadro K3100M; Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Sound Card
    IDT High Definition Audio CODEC; PNP Device ID HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_76E0
    Hard Drives
    Model Hitachi HTS727575A9E364
    Microsoft Defender
    Other Info
    Mobile Workstation
I'm working w/o hurrying in the latter advices, I'm doing progresses.


In this thread's OP I said I had possibly deleted, accidentally, crucial info or logs to see what had happened in a previous attempt that had failed apparently with the same pattern. This time, I had saved the C:\$WINDOWS.~BT folder generated in case it's relevant. Following this article How to Fix "What Needs Your Attention" Windows 10 Setup Errors I've found... exactly the same as described in the article!!!! The article shows an example where these two things were to blame:

Microsoft Print To PDF
Microsoft XPS Document Writer

(copy-pasted from the article) ...and following the same method (locating lines with 'BlockMigration="True"' in a given section of the latter CompatData_<date>_<time>_<hexCode>.xml produced in C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther (*) , and following the involved *.inf file(s) clue in C:\Windows\INF ), in my case it's:

Microsoft Print To PDF
Microsoft XPS Document Writer

(copy-pasted from my *.inf files; in the article the involved files are oem80.inf and oem81.inf , in my case they're oem86.inf and oem87.inf , but this difference doesn't look significant)

(*): two things: the article's file names include "_3" between <time> and <hexCode> that isn't in my file names, and the "discrepant" lines in both cases (the article's file and my file) don't only differ from the others in 'BlockMigration="True"' (instead of False in the others), but also in 'HasSignedBinaries="False"' (instead of True in the others), a difference that I consider more relevant given the nature of this (although imo 24H2 or any other OS update or OS shouldn't care about this: an OS is like a road, vehicles with flaws might have problems but the road shouldn't be designed to autodestroy itself if such a vehicle uses it, the problems should be treated individually for each vehicle; 23H2 is working fine with these and other "flaws", what's the problem then???? ).


Does anyone have experience with this? Regardless of difficulties in other areas like my security app (that was badly installed at best), does this method point to actual culprits? (I mean, let's suppose I've never ever touched a dubious hw or sw in my entire life, does this technique identify two actual causes of failure that will impede any attempt until I fix precisely them, no matter how much "clean" and 24H2-ist is the rest of my system?)

So I know at least two systems where these two precise items have caused difficulties/impossibility to update. The article doesn't even mention Windows 11, it's about Windows 10 but we all know they have a lot in common. Are these items "well known" (to say it some way) in making OS updates fail?

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11

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