After getting quite stable run with some tricks and reghacks, now might be the best time to customize and personalize Windows 11 and make it your very own operating system that is unique. Here are some helps that are pretty usable:
Those "patchers" can help to install and apply new themes for Windows 11. After Windows 11 patched, download themes from trusted sources like
Deviant Art,
DeviantArt - The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community
And for the people who are not satisfied with how the Windows 11 File Explorer looks, can use and install
OldNewExplorer, get it here;
Download OldNewExplorer - MajorGeeks
I also using Rainmeter to beautify my Windows 11 Desktop, get it here:
Rainmeter, desktop customization tool
Last but not least, we also can customize the look of the icons in our computer. Some are available from many sources online, some of us are creating their own icons like we can see here in this forum, a thread by
@davidvkimball :
Custom Icons for Windows 11
Other source of icon packs can be seen here:
Do you know other software for this purpose? Please let us know.
Thank you.