Just like with everything else it depends on the user's personal views. Being organized in computing can be nothing but beneficial to a computer user if one gets in the habit. I hate to veer
@martik777 thread off into left field with this discussion but I think it applies since many people just don't
know how to use good file management to make their computing life easier. (Think a desktop with a gazillion shortcuts and no rhyme or reason...shiver) Just makes no sense to me if one sits at his computer as much as I do every day.
Guess it depends on how one looks at it and the habits one forms with the first computer he gets. You may find my closets and kitchen drawers with things thrown in all willy nilly, but never my computer where I spend most of my time. But managing browser bookmarks (and especially the Bookmarks bar which is my daily user) is as easy as keeping ones files organized. Giving them meaningful names is as beneficial as using them. We should encourage users to use the native tools Windows and apps gives us. I believe that most who come here are interested in learning how.
Regarding extensions,there's one for just about every purpose these days. Using one to handle areas where one is lax is better than having 150 tabs, but extensions can sometimes hurt you more than they can help. The more extensions one uses, the more resources are used, they sometimes conflict with each other and butt heads, and they sometimes cause unforeseen results that can make a user chase his tail trying to troubleshoot. Many times the extension developers do not keep their extensions updated to coincide with the changes in the browser. So extensions are not always the end all, be all answer. The user is.
I use only 3 in Edge; Roboform, IDM, and Color Links. (I wouldn't use the latter if Edge would get on board with other browsers and offer the user a means to change his visited links to a different color). In FF I have only Roboform and IDM. Having a reasonable amount of 6-8 tabs and 2 browsers open at once my total system ram use normally runs around 8-9 gb. That's a far cry from the 28 gb use this poster reported.
Just my opinion and I'm stickin' to it, but I will concede, to each his own.