Thank you, Count. Y'know, when it all boils down, if the OP wants to place blame, I'm pretty sure Progress is the guilty party. :)
If it weren't for Progress, we'd still be using "ice boxes"; the ice man delivers a huge block of ice to be put into the top shelf of the ice box. Then someone came up with a refrigerator that could be plugged in and keep food cold. Oh! they shouldn't orta done that! Look at all the ice boxes that were inevitably discarded! Shame on Progress!
If it weren't for Progress, we'd still be using a "wash pot" and "wash tub" to keep our clothes clean. A "wash pot" was set up outside and heated with a wood fire. A "wash tub" was set up for rinsing. Then someone came up with a washing machine that had a "ringer" to squeeze the water out of the clothes that were hung on a line to dry. Later, someone came up with an automatic washing machine; not long after, an automatic clothes dryer appeared. Oh! they shouldn't orta done that! Look at all the old washing machines that were inevitably discarded! Shame on Progress!
Back in those times, we didn't know so much about pollution, but time marches on, and we now have the Recycle and Re-use, movement along with the newer Upcycle movement. Which, BTW, in his efforts to blame Microsoft for filling up the landfills, the OP dismissed out of hand.