We, the enthusiasts are a tiny subset of the non business users, that mostly go as far as setting a picture of their dog or their Granny as a wallpaper, as the only customisation they do, and as has been already said the only ones that pay for microsoft software the business users, and corporations do not want any customisations if possible, except for ones that can be locked down until needed for their purposes Microsoft make a small part of their income from the regular non business users , a tiny percentage of that from those here who may give suggestions to microsoft to allow customisations to this that or the other,
The major cash cow for microsoft is the business market so they get what they want,
It would be great if we could have all our own version of Windows, but every thing you make customisable makes the OS more complex, and this means its more difficult to manage, and troubleshoot when it breaks something unintentionally - this all costs money, which upsets the subset of users - the business users, who end up paying more for the OS for something they never wanted in the first place.