I can create folders, I’ve been making 1000’s of icons for windows the past 8-10 years. But first it starts with a default folder and then customize that default for all other types of folders. Unless you just want the default windows 11 folder icon with custom on top of that. Let me know and I can make them for you. Have you looked at any of my other folder icons I’ve made?
All good. I worked out how to do it with paint.net after some working out how to load svg files. Mine are not up to the standards of the community but they are good enough for what i'm doing.
To simplify the process for everyone interested by the various customs icons that can be found on this thread, I decided to make the works of all the contributors on this thread available in one easy to download archive.
most icons from page 1 to 40 of this thread are included (excluding the stuff that did not meet expectation)
icons has been organized into different folder for easy-to-use purpose ("apps", "folder_colored", "folder_plain" and "shell")
all the "shell" icons (Windows 11 default icons) have been given names and have been organized, vastly improving the ease of use.
no duplicate
a small batch script is included that allow to easily modify the icons of the following folders :
"C:\Program Files", "C:\Program Files (x86)", "C:\Users" and "C:\Windows"
Here's some screenshot of what's included in this release :
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Program Files" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini" del "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\x64.ico>>"C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Program Files"
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini" del "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\x86.ico>>"C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Program Files (x86)"
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Users" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Users\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Users\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Users\desktop.ini" del "C:\Users\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Users\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\Users.ico>>"C:\Users\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Users\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Users"
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Windows" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Windows\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Windows\desktop.ini" del "C:\Windows\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\Windows.ico>>"C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Windows"
Hope this release is helpful. Feel free to re-use it, upload it to different cloud services, improve it by adding more icons, to use it as a base for your futur icons pack release and whatnot !
Just for the fun of it, I customized my This PC drive icons. Nothing fancy and impressive like the icons you designers produce, but good enough for now. I kInda like it:
Does an icon for OS disk with a NVMe and Windows 11 icon exist in this thread? If not im searching for one. Also I dont know how to change the OS disk icon. Could someone please explain how to do it? I would like to have the abillity to switch back if do regret it. Wanted to ask and to be sure so I dont mess anything up. Thanks in advance.
Does an icon for OS disk with a NVMe and Windows 11 icon exist in this thread? If not im searching for one. Also I dont know how to change the OS disk icon. Could someone please explain how to do it? I would like to have the abillity to switch back if do regret it. Wanted to ask and to be sure so I dont mess anything up. Thanks in advance.
Just shoot whatever you think. As you can see, I love High res Icons. Just look at what I'm using it will give you a good idea. I'm sure you have some great ideas! As you can see here, these are my most used ones. I suggest pulling from all of the Windows 11 icons. I've collected them for...
To simplify the process for everyone interested by the various customs icons that can be found on this thread, I decided to make the works of all the contributors on this thread available in one easy to download archive.
most icons from page 1 to 40 of this thread are included (excluding the stuff that did not meet expectation)
icons has been organized into different folder for easy-to-use purpose ("apps", "folder_colored", "folder_plain" and "shell")
all the "shell" icons (Windows 11 default icons) have been given names and have been organized, vastly improving the ease of use.
no duplicate
a small batch script is included that allow to easily modify the icons of the following folders :
"C:\Program Files", "C:\Program Files (x86)", "C:\Users" and "C:\Windows"
Here's some screenshot of what's included in this release :
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Program Files" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini" del "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\x64.ico>>"C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Program Files\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Program Files"
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini" del "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\x86.ico>>"C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Program Files (x86)\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Program Files (x86)"
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Users" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Users\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Users\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Users\desktop.ini" del "C:\Users\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Users\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\Users.ico>>"C:\Users\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Users\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Users"
:: Set a custom icon for "C:\Windows" folder
IF EXIST "C:\Windows\desktop.ini" attrib -h -s "C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
IF EXIST "C:\Windows\desktop.ini" del "C:\Windows\desktop.ini" /f /q
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo]> "C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
ECHO IconResource=%~dp0\folder_colored\Windows.ico>>"C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "C:\Windows\desktop.ini"
attrib /d +r "C:\Windows"
Hope this release is helpful. Feel free to re-use it, upload it to different cloud services, improve it by adding more icons, to use it as a base for your futur icons pack release and whatnot !
Hi.Can you re-upload the package and designed couple new folder icons, at: Quick share, WhatsApp, WhatsApp images, CyberLink (and including apps from developer), Converted music, ripped music, Rapidgator, WEC? Thanks.
Try rightclickfolder on GitHub, this is a excellent little program that dose everything for you automatically and has all kinds of templates built into it
I'm pleased to see the tread starter around again.
Hope you're doing well. How are you ?
It's been quite a few months I announced and started reworking small sizes, so it was high time I post this 1st small sample.
I just realized 2 or 3 of them weren't completely finished (games, registry...) and will replace them.
Generic yellow based icons are the easiest to work on. Rearranging other custom or system based icons is another kettle of fish, so I hope the reworked versions I'm making from this thread will help them to have a bit more more success.
I also have other sets ready I will soon share, but for the time being I'm concentrating on building packs with patcher apps.
I'm pleased to announce you that this set including your icons will be part of the theme, no need to say you will be in the credits. Thz recolored every yellow folders, and reworked the 16>32 small User folders with Logo shape.
I "brushed up" most of the set to ensure perfect quality and am finishing a few system icons.
Hi. I was changing drive icon using a steps in this tutorial: https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74659-change-drive-icon-windows-10-a.html Unfortunately, it doesn't detect the file so it is only an file icon. I followed the steps of Option 2: Also logoffed. No effect.
I just had my PC installed for a few weeks and I haven't worked on them for a whole year !
In addition to them, lots of system icons have been updated to fit W11 design, and are supposed to be included in the 7tsp folders (which replaces the original Windows icon files). Many are still missing, but I can just as well make a folder with the ones which are ready, and maybe make and update if I can make more. Meanwhile, I could send you all the ones I have as simple ico files. Then, I'll try to organize them for the 7tsp folders, with the right name and location to enable the switch properly.
hello! new here! i was wondering how can i make gradient folders (eg. red-white, blue-green, etc.). can someone give me some blank folders with color gradients please? thank you!