Just in case someone gets inspired.
setuperr.log file :
2024-10-07 16:10:14, Error CDeploymentSession::IsRangeRequestSupported(4339): Result = 0x80040154
2024-10-07 16:10:14, Error IsRangeRequestSupported failed with: [80040154 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_ITF,Code=340 (0x0154)]]. Setting RangeRequestSupported to FALSE
2024-10-07 16:10:15, Error MOUPG CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::Suspend(1282): Result = 0xC1800104[gle=0x00000002]
2024-10-07 16:10:15, Error MOUPG CDlpTask::CheckUserInterruptEx(3094): Result = 0x800704D3
2024-10-07 16:10:15, Error MOUPG CDlpTask::CheckUserInterrupt(3147): Result = 0x800704D3
2024-10-07 16:10:15, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteInstallMode(1055): Result = 0x800705BB
2024-10-07 16:10:15, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteDownlevelMode(609): Result = 0x800705BB
2024-10-07 16:10:15, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::Execute(345): Result = 0x800705BB
2024-10-07 16:10:15, Error MOUPG CSetupHost::Execute(517): Result = 0x800705BB
2024-10-07 16:10:40, Error CDeploymentSession::IsRangeRequestSupported(4339): Result = 0x80040154
2024-10-07 16:10:40, Error IsRangeRequestSupported failed with: [80040154 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_ITF,Code=340 (0x0154)]]. Setting RangeRequestSupported to FALSE
2024-10-07 16:13:39, Error DU DU::CDUSession::Search: Failed to set WU internal configuration property for targeted scans. hr = 0x80070057
2024-10-07 16:15:00, Error DU DU::CDUSession:

ownload: Operation result code (4) after download indicates failure.
2024-10-07 16:15:02, Error DU DU::CDUSession:

ownload: Operation result code (4) after download indicates failure.
2024-10-07 16:15:08, Error DU DU::CDUSession:

ownload: Operation result code (4) after download indicates failure.
2024-10-07 16:15:08, Error SP CDownloadDUUpdates:

oExecuteInternal: Failed to download updates. hr = 0x80004005
2024-10-07 16:15:08, Error SP CSetupPlatform:

ownloadDynamicUpdates: Failed to download updates. Error: 0x80004005
2024-10-07 16:15:08, Error MOUPG DUImage: Failed to execute driver search and download [0x80004005]
2024-10-07 16:15:14, Error CONX Appraiser: ERROR,SdbpGetMatchingInfoBlocksInternal,2313,TAGREF array insufficient
2024-10-07 16:15:15, Error CONX Appraiser: ERROR,SdbpGetMatchingInfoBlocksInternal,2313,TAGREF array insufficient
2024-10-07 16:15:20, Error CONX Appraiser: ERROR,SdbpGetMatchingInfoBlocksInternal,2313,TAGREF array insufficient
2024-10-07 16:18:02, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
2024-10-07 16:19:50, Error [0x08056a] MIG Exception during processing unit="HKCR": class Mig:

evErrorException: Key name is smaller than ClassesRoot name.: Η λειτουργία ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία. [0x00000000] class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *__cdecl Mig::CComCache::GetRelativeToClassesRootSplit(class UnBCL::String *)
2024-10-07 16:19:50, Error [0x080191] MIG CMigUnitManager: agent CUpgradeAgent threw an exception during EnhanceGatherInfo: class Mig:

evErrorException: Key name is smaller than ClassesRoot name.: Η λειτουργία ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία. [0x00000000] void __cdecl Mig::CUpgradeAgent::GatherFlow(class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CMigUnit *,class Mig::CUserContext *)
class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *__cdecl Mig::CComCache::GetRelativeToClassesRootSplit(class UnBCL::String *)
2024-10-07 16:19:50, Error MigGather caught exception: class Mig:

evErrorException: Key name is smaller than ClassesRoot name.: Η λειτουργία ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία. [0x00000000] void __cdecl Mig::CAgentManager::EnhanceGatherInfo(class Mig::CPlatform *,struct IMigExecuteProgress *,class Mig::CUserContext *,class Mig::CMigUnitList *)
void __cdecl Mig::CUpgradeAgent::GatherFlow(class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CMigUnit *,class Mig::CUserContext *)
class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *__cdecl Mig::CComCache::GetRelativeToClassesRootSplit(class UnBCL::String *)
2024-10-07 16:19:50, Error SP pSPDoMainGather: Gather operation failed. Error: 0x00000004
2024-10-07 16:19:51, Error SP CGatherData: Migration phase failed. Status: 4
2024-10-07 16:19:51, Error SP Operation failed: Gather data, scope: EVERYTHING. Error: 0x8007001F[gle=0x000000b7]
2024-10-07 16:27:01, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error [0x08056a] MIG Exception during processing unit="HKCR": class Mig:

evErrorException: Key name is smaller than ClassesRoot name.: Η λειτουργία ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία. [0x00000000] class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *__cdecl Mig::CComCache::GetRelativeToClassesRootSplit(class UnBCL::String *)
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error [0x080191] MIG CMigUnitManager: agent CUpgradeAgent threw an exception during EnhanceGatherInfo: class Mig:

evErrorException: Key name is smaller than ClassesRoot name.: Η λειτουργία ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία. [0x00000000] void __cdecl Mig::CUpgradeAgent::GatherFlow(class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CMigUnit *,class Mig::CUserContext *)
class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *__cdecl Mig::CComCache::GetRelativeToClassesRootSplit(class UnBCL::String *)
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MigGather caught exception: class Mig:

evErrorException: Key name is smaller than ClassesRoot name.: Η λειτουργία ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία. [0x00000000] void __cdecl Mig::CAgentManager::EnhanceGatherInfo(class Mig::CPlatform *,struct IMigExecuteProgress *,class Mig::CUserContext *,class Mig::CMigUnitList *)
void __cdecl Mig::CUpgradeAgent::GatherFlow(class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CMigUnit *,class Mig::CUserContext *)
class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *__cdecl Mig::CComCache::GetRelativeToClassesRootSplit(class UnBCL::String *)
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error SP pSPDoMainGather: Gather operation failed. Error: 0x00000004
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error SP CGatherData: Migration phase failed. Status: 4
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error SP Operation failed: Gather data, scope: EVERYTHING. Error: 0x8007001F[gle=0x000000b7]
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error SP COperationQueue::Sort: Could not find an execution phase for 56
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Operations cannot be sorted. This is a fatal failure.
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Main operation execution failed. Error: 0x8007000D
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Failed execution phase Finalize. Error: 0x8007000D
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: Finalize reported failure![gle=0x0000000d]
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: Using action error code: [0x8007001F][gle=0x0000000d]
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CDlpActionFinalize::ExecuteSetupPlatformFinalize(1252): Result = 0x8007001F[gle=0x0000000d]
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CDlpActionFinalize::ExecuteRoutine(527): Result = 0x8007001F[gle=0x0000000d]
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::Execute(503): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CDlpTask::ExecuteAction(3334): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CDlpTask::ExecuteActions(3487): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CDlpTask::Execute(1643): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteTask(3116): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteTask(3078): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteInstallMode(1159): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:44, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteDownlevelMode(609): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:48, Error MOUPG CSetupManager::Execute(345): Result = 0x8007001F
2024-10-07 16:28:48, Error MOUPG CSetupHost::Execute(517): Result = 0x8007001F